I just posted a letter where The Borg talks about this.
Past Watchtower Society Comments On Vaccines
by BluesBrother 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember when we were kids in the 50s, we were required to be vaccinated prior to travel to Barbados. As soon as we were vaccinated my dad, an unbaptized publisher, rushed us into the airport washroom and applied alcohol over the injection.
Most JWs have little knowledge about the crazy past of WTBTS, little understanding of the orgs. position on blood/blood fractions and no understanding of the detailed doctrinal beliefs (things like Joels
Sadly, I have to agree with this . It wasn’t until I started visiting apostate sites that I began to see JWisim for what it was. At best just another religion. It still astounds me at how little I really knew considering I had been in the religion for decades.
Doctor Who
I think you may be thinking of Rinderpest. I remember my grandfather getting all his cattle vaccinated against it in the 1970's. I believe it was eradicated in the US in the 1990's, not sure about globablly.ScenicViewer a day ago
Small Pox was a major reason to get vaccinated during the time when JWs were rejecting that treatment.
According to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Small Pox is the only human disease to be eradicated from the planet Earth. (I seem to remember reading about one other human disease that is now gone too, but I can't remember what it was.)
The last case of Small Pox happened in the 1980s thanks to the vaccination against it, and no thanks to the Watchtower Organization of Jehovah's Witnesses.
Lost in the fog
I was once told by a long serving missionary that the society changed its policy in or around the late 1940s / early 1950s because it dawned on them that missionaries going to foreign fields with dangerous diseases would need to be vaccinated. Suddenly the light became clearer and voilà! vaccinations were acceptable for them all to receive.