Some statistics.
This graph charts national responses to the statement, "Human Beings, as we know them, developed from Earlier Species of Animal," and show some strange bedfellows.
As you see, a huge majority (70% and higher) of western Europe people surveyed, accept evolution (in some form). In East Asia only Japan* was surveyed, but their level of support for evolution is also at 80%. China was not surveyed, but since a big majority do not believe in any religion, we can expect that likely there is big majority that believe in evolution. Vietnam has a large Catholic population who are allowed to believe in evolution - adding that to 50 years of communist teachings means that likely support for evolution would be over 70%. In south Asia, India and similar cultures influenced by the religious system the west calls hinduism, also permits acceptance of evolution (See this Wikipedia entry for an overview: )
In eastern Europe with its strong orthodox Christian following, the level of support diminishes.
In the USA though we find only 40% (according to this survey) acceptance of evolution, a percentage that is only matched by similar fundamentalist thinking in Turkey, which is more liberal in attitudes than other Islamic nations, which likely have an even lower level of acceptance.
This chart was from a Wikipedia entry discussing the level of support for evolution.
Footnote references 108,109 deal with the above chart.
* Japan has a very small percentage of people that accept Christianity - around 1-2 %