Maybe she asked you to help in hopes you'd be willing to play the part of the pizza delivery boy.
I was helping a Mature Sister with her tablet for downloading the meeting and then noticed ...
by Quarterback 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wasanelder Once
An old brother I knew had bestiality on his computer, go figure? He was a Ministerial Pervant too.
Is the Mature Sister in her 50's?
I was at a jw house last year when they discovered that they could cast their You Tube videos from their ipad to the smart tv. When it first popped up on the tv all these suggested apostate videos also showed. That only happens if you are actively viewing this subject. Lol.
Go Granny, Go...............go, go, go!
Does she have a grandson or other male relatives? Maybe someone else used her device ;-)
The milf needs some counsel ....
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Remember the old warnings from WT about how "brothers" could be innocently browsing the internet or reading email and a popup window for a porn website would just mysteriously appear and "brothers" would instantly close down their computers (about 15 minutes later). It never happened to me, well, not until I actually went looking for porn.
Maybe this has happened to her. She was searching for muffin or sausage recipes and these porn websites just mysteriously appeared.