I think there is enough information available for a case to be made of the type of emotional and mental harm one is exposed to. Get some good expert witnesses could work???
Can We Sue The Watchtower For Mental and Emotional Harm Do To Its Mind Control Techniques
by Humphry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Laws continue to change as we go deeper and deeper into the information age. For years many institutions that are charitable like the catholic church have committed crimes that they easily got away with but increase in knowledge and information brought about accountability to these untouchables and I'm guessing this too will happen for us who have been harmed by the malicious behavior of this printing corporation.
No you cannot. People have to take responsibility for their actions and their life. That is how the law sees things. You cannot sue people or random things.
I am not sure what that video is supposed to show. You have to sue over a recognizable tort.
He was to show the indignities we are subject to in order to make us shunned so that we can't blow the whistle and warn those we care about and to get them to stop obey them because they are harmful.
I think this video will spear head a wave of lawsuits if he goes to court that puts common decency above religion of freedom claimed right to dominate over its members to their emotional and mental harm. New religions are cropping up every where this is a chance for government to step in and limit their harmful use by predators in the economic system.
The video clearly show malice and a very blatant unconcern for member's. A judge allowing this a evidence of the malice involved is what I'm hoping.
No, you can't. You can sue if they violate laws, but no one has sued the Catholic church for the fear of hellfire have they? It's just not going to happen - people are free to believe whatever batshit crazy they want. You can't legislate thoughts and beliefs and it would be a worse world if we gave the government power over it.
Seriously, c'mon, the WTS are one of the mildest wishy-washy religions there is. It's more people's own lack of balance and obsessive / excessive behavior by individuals and families that are the problem.
Sure, they are always pushing for people to "do more, do more" but that's because the majority of people really do the minimum they need to. Some people don't get the memo, go all in and hurt themselves. It's as much their responsibility as it is the WTS.
There will be no wave of lawsuits, and no successful lawsuits unless the local congregation or the WTS violated actual laws.
"I feel like I wasted years of my life because I don't believe it anymore" is not a winning lawsuit.
No judge in any western world would ever allow something like that. And showing unconcern to anyone is not a tort. Even common decency is not abrort.
Some ex-jws have wanted to sue the WTS for slander; but I have learned from the lawyers I worked with that it would be almost impossible, if not impossible, to prove such a charge. That is would take more money than the average person had to fund such a law case; that they would never take on such a case either.
Remember, the WTS has house legal staff, brothers (and sisters) out in the general population who are lawyers at their disposal. The ex-jw who sued would run out of money and the WTS would outlast them.
As Simon says, it would have to be something that is listed as a serious crime under the law code.
It might seem nice to be vindicated in a non-jw court but in my opinion it would be pearls before swine. The WTS and its minions will never admit making a mistake, let alone apologize.
I know right now this might not fly, I'm hoping for a more enlighten society in the future to find a way to get rid of these annoying parasites, and just testing the waters so to speak.