Santa, as a catchphrase, seems to have different embodiments in different cultures, carrying a beating broom in my home province. .
By quoting from Genesis Jesus and his , (even modern day) disciples implicitly invoke the talking snake component, the redemption story would not make sense without it. Christ, the conveyor of the Revelation, also tied in the speaking great Dragon( now with legs) into that slithery allegory.
I feel bad about ever having used any arguments referring back to that story, because it reinforced it and implied I believed it, without me actually thinking seriously that I did.
We used it to debunk the catholic's ***popular concept that the "apple" was sexual temptation, impossible with the procreation mandate.Tying jws to the snaking talk is a great way to show how infantile their beliefs really are. imo.
PS:*** come to think of it now, the catholics were less gullible than we wt preachers: by them, recounting an unbelievable story was branded in the local dialect: " chante' la pomme" singing the song (of the talking snake) of the forbidden fruit. ha ha. we ,
the jw proved ourselves to be the gullible gens. .