Anyone else get a food box delivered by local congregation to your door - allegedly by the Society? Weird. I looked online and found a couple of YouTube channels saying the Society is taking food from food banks and giving it only to their congregations. Just curious if anyone has concrete info about it.
Food Boxes given out by Society
by JustChillin 25 Replies latest jw experiences
Weird but not all surprising.
JWs can be pretension twits if it serves in their favor (image).
I hope they get busted, only caring for their own, disgusting
The food boxes only go to the most spiritual and don't forget to donate your money to Jeehovah(Org).
road to nowhere
2 boxes for the service group. They did have the decency to mention farm to family even if not identifying it as government. Taters, onions, apples.
Meanwhile I just went to the store.
@road to nowhere: Did they actually say that it was from Farm to Family specifically?
I've known about this for some time because someone I coach received a couple boxes very early on. Seems like it was more on the west coast in reaching out to people to learn more. California especially, but maybe also New York state.
I actually reached out to the USDA directly and they let me know that the JWs weren't getting it from them directly, but may be from one of their distributors. I dug deeper and got the list of their distributors but nothing tipped off the JWs there. I'd have to call each distributor and ask and they have no reason to tell me so I kind of saw it as a dead end.
But yes, that seems to be the likely place they're getting it from. I know for a fact that it's not necessarily going to needy people. The person I work with has been faded for decades and doesn't need food for the needy but they kept pushing it on her, probably trying to get her to come back. They used it to start asking for her email address and stuff.
In most cases I've heard JWs have said that Watchtower had a deal with local farmers to help out, no reference to Farm to Families. I've heard rumors that some received a letter basically telling them to keep it on the down low if they wanted to keep getting it. I've not received a copy of such letter though. -
Beth Sarim
''I hope they get busted, only caring for their own, disgusting.''
You know. It would be amazing. They only care for their own. But are told to rely on the Governments of the world for assistance in this covid crisis.
road to nowhere
Dub. They specifically said it was farm to family. Depending on area would make different things available. Wish they had oranges and watermelons
In North Central Massachusetts they gave out fried chicken