The Society and 1975.
by Lost in the fog 46 Replies latest watchtower bible
mickbobcat - "...this is a good example of the leaders drinking the same koolaid they are giving the rank and file."
All the available anecdotal evidence we have indicates that the WT leadership are full-on True Believers... and it's thoroughly backed up by the blunders they make.
All the boners they pull are exactly the sort of mistakes one makes if one is convinced that he's completely right whilst being utterly wrong.
(As I've said many times, it's a tremendously easy habit to fall into if you've been told for decades that God whispers in your ear, and you surround yourself solely with people who are never allowed to disagree with you.)
Another factor might be that It's almost like the so-called "Law of Attraction" (wherein you can supposedly influence physical reality to bend to your will)...
...they think (subconsciously) that if they "believe" hard enough, their wishes will - in the end - come true.
I think you guys have given people like F Franz and his propagation of 1975 and 6000 years of mankind's existence too much credit upon believing their doctrines which they were inherently responsible for.
Some of that may be true but lets not be dismissive and forget the fact that were the top executive editorial writers for the Watchtower Corporation.
Creating articles to attract attention to the literature the WTS published was their given responsibility and job at the WTS. HQ in Brooklyn.
I always wonder why is it that people cant accept the fact that the JWS religion is operatively centralized by one singular religious publishing house the Watchtower Corporation or now by its new name JWorg ?
As it can be seen with religion a little bit of emotive hype mixed with a bit selective lying, can create an attractive following of people, it can also sell a lot literature.
And as you say Fink what other publishing house could convince volunteers ,millions of them to distribute there literature for free ?
What suckers we were.!