It is difficult for me to say exactly what I mean on this subject. My sister sent me a link to the Oct, 2017 wt simplified article (which has been discussed about the shunning) And I found it disturbing of course, how the WT gives advice, different for each sex, along with the "unbelieving" mate dissing.
WT - Although an unbelieving husband may not take the lead in spiritual matters, he should be respected because of his position as the head of the family. Likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self-sacrificing love and tender affection by her Christian husband.—Eph. 5:22, 23, 28, 29.
While a worldly husband is supposed to be respected by the wife, the believing husband is supposed to show self-sacrificing love, tender affection to the worldly wife. Why not love and respect for both? Is it because a JW husband doesn't have to respect his worldly wife's opinion because he is after all, the head? It is also a diss on the worldly husband because he won't take the spiritual lead according to the JW wife's religion. If he does have a belief system this is how it is viewed.
WT - At times, unbelieving mates will demand that children share in pagan celebrations or be taught false religious beliefs. Some husbands may forbid the Christian wife to teach the children from the Bible.
Of course, the Jw mate will only see it as a battle for truth against false. And a JW doesn't just use the bible. They see the WT and all the publications as being factual and more important than the bible. So how clever of the WT to make it seem that the worldly mate, is against the bible!
WT - At first, we may not have told our family about our association with Jehovah’s Witnesses. As our faith grew, though, we saw the need to be open about our beliefs.
Why did they not tell their family? Were they embarrassed or did they simply not even think of it as a topic? Or did they mention it and found their families concerned? But the person conducting the study is the one that will push them "to make a stand". At this point, the study will view concern from the family as persecution and that he must reject them in favor of the "truth"
WT - Have empathy for unbelieving relatives. While we may be overjoyed about the Bible truths we have learned, our relatives may mistakenly believe that we have been tricked or have become part of a cult. They may think that we no longer love them because we do not celebrate holidays with them. They may even fear for our eternal welfare. We should show empathy by trying to see things from their viewpoint and by listening carefully to discern their real concerns.
The WT taking the offense again. JW's will only view their families/friends concern as misguided. Really, their real concerns are that you in a cult. Not that you don't love them because you aren't putting tinsel on the tree.
Have conflicts with your relatives that you love? (because they want to get you out a cult)
WT - If you feel this way, strive to put your loyalty to Jehovah ahead of your love for your family. Such a stand may actually help your relatives to see that applying Bible truth is a life-and-death matter.
It's a life and death matter to the JW, not the family. The WT wants them to tow the line and remain loyal to God them.
How sad that we all at some time, had to run the obstacle course laid out by the WT in order to be "approved" of by God them.