I finally spoke to my 11 year old daughter this evening about the memorial since her Dad choose to go again this year. It was probably not the correct time or the correct words, but I felt the need, so I did.( He promised years ago to talk with her about his "religion" and hers, at around the age she is now. But he has not done so yet.)
She shared with me that she remembered t it so strange... ( we are talking 7 years ago and she still remembers) that they passed around the bread and wine and her granny leaned over to her and said "don't touch". I shared that this was one of the things that offended me about that service the most. That it felt like a celebration of a rejection of Jesus. I told her her Dad does not seem to follow the rules of the organization ( and told her how it did not consider itself a religion unless it was convenient for legal reasons. It is considered an organization), and that to the JW all religions are considered of the devil. This shocked her . She asked about Catholics, and I told her that organization considered Catholics the worst of all, the most evil. ( and also many religions actually feel the Catholics are bad, then told her we can talk about the reasons another time and she should go speak with the priest about that too). I quickly reminded her how her Dad did not go by those rules, and was not baptized in the JW yet. He does go to her school, helps out, and attends events at her Church. I reminded her that this is why each and every time he does come to your school or Church for anything he is to be thanked very much, lots of hugs and kisses for doing so. She seemed to really hear that.
My reason for telling her now was I felt I could no longer stay quiet. I am kept so in the dark as to where his feelings are about joining, where is head is, what he plans to do and when, that I felt it was just time. I also told her since Daddy did not go by those rules ( and I went through a lot of them) that there is no reason for her to feel he is going to stop doing anything he is doing right now. her Daddy has been celebrating her birthday and will continue to do so at this point. But she had to know that there may come a day that he will stop. I wanted her to know this was a possibility and why. Although she was in tears at one point, I kept reminding her I was only telling her what that organization believes and requires, not what Daddy is practicing right now.
I have been frequently bringing up controlling religions and how dangerous they are without mentioning the JW for years now. But last night, I actually named the JW along with Amish and others ( also small cliques within the Catholic Church) that control, that use shunning as manipulative emotional blackmail and are dangerous. I did not use the word cult though. I felt the need to preempt my husband. Give my daughter a chance to read and learn before he comes at her with literature and bible verses. ( Hopefully he never will, and I told her that too)
When I told her about it, she then asked to read the book "Twisted Scriptures". by Mary Alice Chrnalogar ( wow, that was awesome to hear) So, I will get it out for her. It must be time for her, though in general I feel it is best suited for the early teen years The sooner the better as long as she understands the material she is reading. ( It is especially interesting to her that her gym teacher is related to the author).
So another phase has been entered. My daughter has the chance to ask questions of her own faith without feeling pressured by her father to do so. She needs to ask these questions before being love bombed JW style, and bombarded with contradicting information.
I wanted to wait longer, But my instinct said I should not wait. We shall see