The MSM is good when there is some natural disaster because they can mobilize people and bring in experts, create graphics ... CNN after a plane-crash is a sight to behold!
But when things are political they are a complete mess and their bias is blatant and even when it isn't, it's still there in what they chose to cover or what quotes they chose to play.
There are so many examples on YouTube (ha, if they haven't been censored by them!)
"Fake News" was a term invented by the MSM to try and dismiss the people who covered the stories they wanted buried. It turns out the gun was turned back on them and shot them in the face because trust in the MSM is rightly at an all time low and dropping all the time.
I mean, when did "journalist" ever equate to ethical or righteous behaviour? Sure, some have done some good work, but the majority are hacks selling sensationalism or are activists for a political party presenting their propaganda all day.
Normal people can tell the world about events, many times when the MSM will not or cannot.