What’s your favorite "News" website?

by Wonderment 32 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Simon

    The MSM is good when there is some natural disaster because they can mobilize people and bring in experts, create graphics ... CNN after a plane-crash is a sight to behold!

    But when things are political they are a complete mess and their bias is blatant and even when it isn't, it's still there in what they chose to cover or what quotes they chose to play.

    There are so many examples on YouTube (ha, if they haven't been censored by them!)

    "Fake News" was a term invented by the MSM to try and dismiss the people who covered the stories they wanted buried. It turns out the gun was turned back on them and shot them in the face because trust in the MSM is rightly at an all time low and dropping all the time.

    I mean, when did "journalist" ever equate to ethical or righteous behaviour? Sure, some have done some good work, but the majority are hacks selling sensationalism or are activists for a political party presenting their propaganda all day.

    Normal people can tell the world about events, many times when the MSM will not or cannot.

  • TerryWalstrom

    I like Jimmy Dore Show for analysis. I sample Drudge stories.
    On Drudge there is a long list of news outlets and I go down the A-Z of them when I have time IF something is controversial.
    The YouTube outlets are always worth checking out. I keep an eye on The Young Turks with a skeptical eye. I even like to see what is cooking on RT.
    But, my hand's down favorite site is Glenn Greenwald's THEINTERCEPT.com

  • RubaDub

    Fox News ... they are fair and balanced.

    It's obvious with Fox and Friends, the Five, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingram among others.

    Yes, fair and balanced.

    Rub a Dub

  • FedUpJW

    What's Your Favorite "News" Website?

    For me that is about like asking if I would prefer a white hot poker shoved up my ass, or to be stabbed in the eye with a sharp stick. None of them, left or right are worth anymore than different sides of a counterfeit bill.

    It turns out the gun was turned back on them and shot them in the face...

    I wonder how many snowflake lefties will be "triggered" by that phrase and have to find a "safe space"?

  • Old Navy
    Old Navy

    My favorite among the many would be RT. It is very refreshing to see news and programming which encourages Critical Thinking and discusses many topics that the MSM won't touch. Rather reminds me of the "good old days" in America when Journalism was real.

  • mikeflood

    A little bit of everything...from a well established source, and try right and left, because this times it's a good rift in between. Don't forget the Europeans and Asians. Sometimes is good to know a little bit the historical context too. It's pretty easy to detect a bad place ex. histories about aliens, the end of the world, etc.

  • jwleaks
  • Nevuela

    It's not a website, but my favorite news source is Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. I need a good laugh in order to process all the BS going on in the world.

  • smiddy3

    How come nobody`s mentioned "Watching The World" AWAKE Magazine that`s the only News worth reading about was what I was told many years ago by the "Society" never mind that it was always biased and month`s behind and out of date and irrelevant.

  • jwleaks

    smiddy3: I got my JW degree in journalism from reading "Watching the World" in the Awake! magazine without ever having to go to university or do any study whatsoever.

    Now I'm fully qualified to wash windows and judge others.

    My favourite ongoing academic reference from the Awake! magazine is "one scientist said ..." not to be confused with "one [insert field of work here] said ..."

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