last week's study (October wt, page 23), par 10:
Abigail and David. David and his fellow outlaws protected the Nabal family's flocks no doubt with daily support (how else would these fugitives make a living?) but then , when fatter rewards were harvestable, during slaughter and shearing season, demanded a bigger pay off, or kill all males. No wonder Nabal drew a " line in the sand" right there. . Enter
Abigail, archetype of the wt disobedient wife, siding with the murderous stranger, handing over the goodies, and ultimately
She could have saved everyone a lot of trouble like Bathsheba and Uriah, the 10 000 dying because of the illegal census, had she let David to be eliminate right there and then for his bloodguilt. leaders getting away with murder.
wt protection racket today: " you will never die, believe us!" "be slaves, hand over the goodies" -- or you will be killed at Armageddon, Gehenna, and not just the males. all of you, babies---.Lurkers:
May "Jehovah cause you to become" -- a Beroean, a more noble Christian.