Things WT Would Have To Do To Be An Acceptable Religion

by JW_Rogue 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • JW_Rogue
    1. Drop shunning or at least drop shunning among family members.
    2. Make Blood Transfusions a conscience matter, no more HLC
    3. Drop the two witness rule, mandatory reporting of child abuse, no privileges for offenders
    4. Accept that parts of the bible are allegorical in nature and not literal, stop opposing evolution
    5. Support charitable works other than the "worldwide work"
    6. Drop the door to door work, call only on those who have expressed an interest
    7. Stop saying that only we have the "truth"
    8. Allow young ones to go to university guilt free
  • 4thgen

    JW Rogue, This is very interesting. You are sure to get quite a few comments on the topic. To the top of the list, I'd like to add "Admit past mistakes and apologize for their actions ". Only until they can own up to their grievous, hypocritical actions, can the religion can ever be slightly acceptable.

  • JW_Rogue
    That's true nothing can change the past. Me personally even if they made changes I don't think I would want to stay.
  • Oubliette

    As far as I'm concerned, there is no such things as an "acceptable religion."

    How can teaching things that are not true ever be acceptable?

  • Finkelstein

    9. make celebrating certain secular traditions like birthdays and Christmas a consistence matter.

    10. quite enforcing people to dress a predefined way hair length, beards or etc..

    11. focus more on Christ's teaching rather that the ancient Hebrews and their teachings/laws

    Oh snap I forgot organized religions are created to appeal to power and control, such as

    "The" chosen men of the Watchtower Corporation.

    Take away many expressed doctrines and you don't have a religion anymore you have humanism

    where there is no centralized power, that doesn't appeal to many men as human history shows

  • JW_Rogue
    How can teaching things that are not true ever be acceptable?

    I believe that many people in mainstream religions know that it is to be taken with a grain of salt but they still feel good about the overall message of their churches. It is not the fanatical "We have the 100% truth!" that you see coming from JWs. In this way I think some religions are acceptable because people have chosen them. They aren't being manipulated to stay. They have the freedom to change their minds and explore any opposing ideas if they wish.

  • cofty

    What would that leave them that sets them apart from any other Protestant evangelical church?

  • cofty
    Answering my own question - trinity and soul-sleep
  • JW_Rogue
    9. make celebrating certain secular traditions like birthdays and Christmas a consistence matter.
    10. quite enforcing people to dress a predefined way hair length, beards or etc..

    These two would actually probably be harder for them to do than some of the other ones because these would be very visible changes to outsiders.

  • DarioKehl

    Based on Sam herd's video, the R&F DO write in and the bOrg DOES respond to their feedback.

    We need to bombard headquarters with this list. It's simple, concise and reassuring; give us what we want and we'll go away.

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