'The Watchtower November 2019 study articles quoted below can be summed up as follows:
The great tribulation is near, so become more entrenched in the cult by strengthening friendships with other JW's, by revealing your thoughts to them, by doing more for the org, and by refusing to listen to any upsetting reports about the org in the media or on the internet.
19, page 7 - We must be determined to build and maintain
strong relationships with our brothers
and sisters now. Why? Because our
enemies will try to divide us by means
of lies and misinformation. They will
try to turn us against one another. But
their efforts will be wasted.
(Everything the world says about the WTBTS is a lie!)
Par. 3, page 8 - Holy spirit gave Paul the power both to work secularly and to accomplish his ministry.
(So why doesn't the holy spirit give the same power to "the slave" and their fellow parasites?)
Par. 8, page 15 - Satan, “the father of the lie,” uses those under his control to spread lies about Jehovah and about our brothers and sisters. For instance, apostates publish lies and distort facts about Jehovah’s organization on websites and through television and other media. Those lies are among Satan’s “burning arrows.” How should we respond if someone confronts us with such lies? We reject them! In fact, we avoid all contact with apostates.We do not allow anyone or anything, including curiosity, to draw us into arguing with them.
(Everything the world says about the WTBTS is a lie!)
Par. 11, page 16 - Have you resisted the urge to listen to and argue with apostates about the lies they spread? If so, then your faith is in good condition.
(If you don't resist, then your faith is weak. Everything the world says about the WTBTS is a lie!)
I genuinely couldn't stomach further articles. I'll let someone else do the rest.