A lot can happen in a few years
Do You Think Trump Will Make A Comeback?
by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends
Sea Breeze
He conducted his first rally today since the election. It was in Ohio. Everyone had "Save America" signs.
I have mentally checked out of politics since the election. He brought up a lot of things that needs to be dealt with and got me to thinking about issues again. He looked like he dropped 20 lbs. and was as energetic as ever.
He has done a great service in promoting conservative principles' belief that people can better themselves through education and hard work. The liberalism derives power from victims and dependency.He was as honest and edgy as he ever was. I think he will run again for sure after listening to him tonight.
I think DeSantis may run as well. -
God forbid.
I think Trump and Desantis will run. I also think they will win. Then Trump will most likely die in office and Desantis will take over. Having lived in SW Florida for 5 years, I have seen that there are only three classes of people. The very rich, the retired rich, and the working class poor. The republican government of Florida doesn't care about the working class at all. They are oppressed at al all levels. With the low wages, high rent and high cost of living, you will see as many as 10 people sharing rent. The state makes it next to impossible to collect unemployment.
Desantis is a good fit for the rich but a bane to the working class. Myself, I'm not rich but see good points and bad in both sides (republican and democrat). But I don't see anything happening to make everyone happy. I think as far as JW indoctrination goes, they had a good point of not getting involved in the politics of the world. I had never had anxiety or issues of any kind when I could care less about who was in office. Now, I sometimes worry about what idiots in power will do next to hurt the population.
I’d love to see a Trump/DeSantis ticket.
as far as JW indoctrination goes, they had a good point of not getting involved in the politics of the world. I had never had anxiety or issues of any kind when I could care less about who was in office. Now, I sometimes worry about what idiots in power will do next to hurt the population.
You know, that's one thing the Jehovah's Witnesses have over the exjws. True, they are enslaved to 8 old idiots who have no idea what is going on in real life, BUT, the indoctrination that the members who are true believers have - allow them not to have the anxiety that the rest of the people do. Only because they TRULY BELIEVE that God's Kingdom is very close and it will solve all of the problems - political, environmental, social justice, and so on.
So why get involved in anything besides preaching.
When they die, they have this calm in themselves because they believe that in a matter of a few moments they will be resurrected into a better world.
For Catholics and other sects of Christianity, they believe HEAVEN is the answer.
Even though we know they will all go back to the dust like the BILLIONS of humans that have lived on earth before us.And you can add the dinosaurs to that.
But, then again...he might demise from natural causes before then, too. Or, contract some serious disease, and have no interest in running for political office again.
At a rally a few days ago, Trump said this:
"After just five months the Biden administration is already a complete and total catastrophe. Crime is surging, murders are soaring, police departments are being gutted, illegal aliens are overrunning our borders. Joe Biden is destroying our nation right before our very own eyes."
Apart from the typical Trump hyperbole ('a complete and total catastrophe'), it's very hard to disagree with the points he made.
Yes, crime and murders are rising and illegal immigrants are crossing the border, not to mention issues with the police.
Trump will probably be back in politics in some form or another, even if it's just as an adviser to a Republican candidate.
After his most recent (June 27th) attacks on two of his staunchest allies, (Barr and McConnell,) I've changed my mind. A political comeback is probably not in his future.
There is nothing coming out of the biased bogus recount and there is no provision within the Constitution for overturning the election results.
Donald would certainly want to run again. Even with a snowball's chance, it's a great way for him to steal more money. But I do think that he has lost millions of followers who have figured out what he is. If he is not liquidated for criminal tax evasion, he won't have enough support to win the nomination.