"Charisma is a certain quality of an individual personality by virtue of which the person is set apart from ordinary people and treated as exceptional". As a kid I was afraid of such Charisma, as it was usually the quality I noticed elders, head masters, and parents had to exercise with unloving authority over me.
But now i think about it "charisma" doesn't need be only for people with authority. " charisma" is something even we can have? So " charisma" doesn't need be only for the person with satisfying answers to our questions. Charisma can come from the person who simply nods their head, but has no answers....and what makes this person exceptional? Well this person never takes the bait, never gets into the religious and political arguments, but just feels good about the life they were given and has the answers in ways we have to observe to understand.
Do you know people with such a Charisma? Personally i have found when I get to know such people they are far from ordinary, and they often have and contribute with very satisfying answers on life.