Well then Freemindfade when you are at movie theater and someone comes up in front of the audience and starts to open up with a semiautomatic military gun at you, make sure you have a gun yourself to fire back or at least keep down.
2nd amendment right ... where should it end?
by Simon 166 Replies latest social current
The point being that when you avail the purchase or ownership of semiautomatics to the general public, you are essentially making the devastation greater for a potential massacre event.
I don't think this is correct at all. First of all if I was gong to do a mass shooting... I would use a shot gun not a semiautomatic rifle/handgun. Also the worst mass murders of all time had nothing to do with guns. Stuff like fertilizer, box cutters, or even gasoline and a match have proven to be MUCH more effective than firearms.
Ah, the old "fighting against taxation" that you were probably taught?
The "tax / trade war" with Britain was because Britain took tax *off* it's tea products to boost sales to handle the east india tea company collapse (the leheman brothers of their day). The lower prices of British tea then undercut the local produce that relied on slavery ... also talked about being outlawed and abolished. It wasn't so much fighting against tyranny as tyrants fighting against freedoms.What I remember is Britain lowering overinflated taxes but enforcing them to a far greater degree as a method of generating revenue. This corrupt british gov. even started charging a tax on any official paperwork. This was called the Stamp Act. I believe. Britain was broke and was clamoring for ways to generate money. What better way than to make money than to tax those you provide nothing for across the pond?
So yes I was taught that there were issues with taxation.
Well then Freemindfade when you are at movie theater and someone comes up in front of the audience and starts to open up with a semiautomatic military gun at you, make sure you have a gun yourself to fire back or at least keep down.
I'd do the same thing as everyone else and get the hell out. But I will tell you this, I will never be lying on my face waiting in line to get executed like some of the people in Paris. Having a conceal carry permit is not so you can get in gun fights, but also I am not going to die like a b*tch. Personal preference :)
You all think we who own guns are cowboys waiting for any reason to have a good ol fashioned shoot out. Not really the case. Brains before bullets
I'll just whip out my tactical musket! yay 2nd amendment lol
It has to realized that many people in the States think they need guns themselves as a viable means to protect themselves personally from other Americas who have guns.
People are buying semiautomatics now to better protect themselves in reflective view of what kind of guns were used in these recent notable attacks.
Circular reasoning where the gun industry flourishes and makes greater financial gains.
they need guns themselves as a viable means to protect themselves personally from other Americas who have guns.
If someone is in my house the doesn't belong there I don't care if they have a piece of bread in their hands, I'm going to protect my family from them, It doesn't matter what they arm themselves with. I don't have a gun because other people have guns. I have one because I have the option of protecting my family and my work family from anyone or anything dangerous.
Sorry america is so scary for you guys :)
You must think day to day life here is like an action film lol
My advice keep giving opinions and by all means stay away from such a dangerous scary place.
My advice keep giving opinions and by all means stay away from such a dangerous scary place.
Agreed. From the way you all talk about America, it sounds like you just shouldn't come over here. It's too dangerous for you all. You're best off staying where you're at and letting me eat your share of Barbecue and tacos.
The constant media diet of shootings and paranoia since the 70's / 80's feeds the cycle of more guns being bought, more guns being used in shootings and more paranoia. News as entertainment and what is better for viewers than a shootout !
It's easy to make bold statements about "what I would do" and every time the person is like John Wayne, saving the day. It's a nice thought, there's probably some psychological term for it (picturing yourself as a hero). But the reality is often very different - yes, even in the US, the best option is to run and hide.
Making glib comments about victims of terrorism in Paris is easy, insulting and very disrespectful - we don't mock the victims of US terrorism as "losers" or weak do we? But even so, the reality is that France still doesn't have anywhere approaching the death rate of the US so you are still safer there.
Gun deaths affect the US so much that the average life expectancy is something like 2.5 years artificially lower than it really should be. Something is wrong, why can it be so bad even to suggest discussing it?!!
Most deadly cause of unnecessary death in the universe! And its in this gun!
According to this chart I randomly pulled up on the internet being a fat @$$ is far deadlier than owning a gun!