Ten Commandments in Courthouse

by rem 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • KGB


    I can actually agree with you, I do think that Government should be out of Christianity. I think that if they are going to control what one court house etc.. is placing on their grounds or buildings should be the same with all places of public. Why is it only right for one place and not the other. But then I think that Government should have no say or control over Church either none at all. Boy would'nt that make the borg happy, Hey ! another tool they can use to defend their bullshit too.

  • rem
    Ok so I will construct a monument in my private yard so that when everyone drives down the road the whole public can see that is different than what the courthouse is doing right ? I hardly think so. For that I might just have to build a big white croos in my front yard in which I live on a main highway so many will see it and write on it "Only Jesus Saves" on it. It's on my prvate property so do you think people will have me take it away ? Nah not at all.....

    You can do whatever you want with your private property, unless you are a part of some homeowner's association. Churches have large crosses and signs visible on the roadway all the time... I've not heard any complaints. Your non-argument is moot.

    Do you think we had freedom before our fore fathers came to this land ? No we did not... And that I was grateful because of that we are not a country like China because in all actuality we could of been communism rahter than have freedom. It was because we are under God, with truth and justice for

    And what kind of country did the forefathers come from? A Christian one. So a Christian country is not necessarily synonmymous with a religiously free one. Let's not let our country become what our forefathers fled in Britain.


  • KGB


    REALLY ? NO SHIT ? DUH I will just bet I am older than you and I am very well aware where I took those words from, as well as know when they came about..........

  • KGB


    HMMMMM I guess a church is not public ? The last time I knew all were welcome into the church I go to.................You just earned yourself a Rasberry

  • czarofmischief

    But I don't pay the taxes for your church!

    I do for the courthouses.

    And I say the ten commandments are an irrelevant expense and intimidating to those of us that don't believe them, and have nothing to do with our law system. Ergo, they have to go.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    OK: I have a question. Why are the 10 commandments referred to as "Christian"?

    Wasn't it orginally Jewish law? Are the 10 Commandments still part of the Jewish faith.

    And, didn't the Muslims believe that Moses was a prophet?

    So, why are the Christians monopolizing the 10 Commandments?

    Just a thought.

  • czarofmischief

    Because Christianity is a Jewish cult designed to hold the Jewish identity together after the Diaspora.


  • Ravyn

    yes I know KGB---but if freedom is relative it isn't freedom.


  • Elsewhere
    Ok so I will construct a monument in my private yard so that when everyone drives down the road the whole public can see that is different than what the courthouse is doing right ? I hardly think so. For that I might just have to build a big white croos in my front yard in which I live on a main highway so many will see it and write on it "Only Jesus Saves" on it. It's on my prvate property so do you think people will have me take it away ? Nah not at all.....

    So long as it complies with local Sign and Size ordinances (everyone must comply… Religious/Secular/Advertising)... you most certainly can. In fact I have seen many yards with such displays (I grew up in the deep south). That is the beauty of private property... it is yours to do with as you please.

  • Bendrr

    Coming in VERY late on this thread.....

    What I want to know is don't people have anything better to do than complain about a monument in a courthouse?

    Yes, government and religion should not be mixed. Yes, I can see that having that monument there may cross the line. But get a grip for cryin' out loud! What is accomplished by forcing the removal of the monument? A lot of taxpayers money spent, a judge probably out of a job, and in the end a 5000 pound thing removed from a courthouse.

    Has anything actually been accomplished? Why not go after "blue laws"? Just for example, in Georgia and other "Bible Belt" states sales of alcohol on Sundays are still illegal. Why not fight that law instead of a monument? Or any of the other "blue laws" for that matter.


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