And all the people in the hall will point to this as evidence that the brothers now that something is going to happen soon. Then they'll get all excited because of Russia situation. Oh, and North Korea is probably the King of the North. Oh, and Trump is crazy. Somehow all of this will add up to the great tribulation.
The great tribulation is now coming VERY soon!
by The Searcher 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
And all the people in the hall will point to this as evidence that the brothers now that something is going to happen soon.
I'm sorry, but that is just hot breath. The fact is that all Jdubs don't act as if a great tribulation is around corner. This is the best indicator to see they don't really believe that garbage. Now i know they like to say it, because it makes them look spiritual in the hall, but they really don't believe it deep inside.
What i see is Jdubs having kids, saving for retirement, buy homes, planning vacations, buying new cars, going to college (the smart young ones).
If they really really really believed that the great tribulation was really imminent, they would hunker down, become doomsday preppers, take the money our of the banks and retirement funds and buy supplies, stop getting married, stop having kids, stop trying to get promoted at the job.
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."
That's the statement that interests me. What are they alluding to?
I'm sorry, but that is just hot breath. The fact is that all Jdubs don't act as if a great tribulation is around corner. This is the best indicator to see they don't really believe that garbage. Now i know they like to say it, because it makes them look spiritual in the hall, but they really don't believe it deep inside.
Yes, but they would never let you know that they don't believe it is right around the corner. I remember one time we went out to dinner with a couple, around the time of the housing crash here in the US. My wife and the sister were saying that it was a clear sign that the system was headed down. Well, the brother who wasn't very active downplayed it and said that it was a really good time to invest because the market would be going back up soon. Nobody liked that opinion because it wasn't spiritual, it's exactly what ended up happening though.
'will form a coalition.' hmm with formal stamping and signing of non aggression pacts etc. yes? No, The heads of govt would only have to mention such in relation to a hundred other good reasons fighting aids, bilharzia, tree planting etc and the gb will run screaming to their monastery crying out loud 'its really for persecution'.
revdip2000, I agree.
Pastor Russell in the 1800's spoke of the great tribulation, then Rutherford in 1900's . Now Lett and co in the 2000's , this great tribulation is in the third century of WT prophecy. Most people's great tribulation is when the internet goes down.
this great tribulation is in the third century of WT prophecy. Chook:
and in the 2nd millennium of wt speculation, not to mention the first millennium during the original great tribulation writings, and then the coming millennium of total wt monopoly over the earth, help!
"...the political powers of satan's world will form a coalition..."
That's the statement that interests me. What are they alluding to?All of the impending pedophile lawsuits and upcoming government investigations?
Just a guess... -
I think it is scheduled for Next Tuesday.
I hope not I`m looking forward to celebrating my birthday on Wednesday without any hassles of a Great Tribulation interferring with it.If you dont mind.
But then again knowing the success record of JW`s prophecys I know I`m on a good wicket that it will be another fail
100:1 for a fail.