The location is outside the Arndale Centre, Manchester, after it was evacuated.
Jehovah's Witnesses target Manchester after terrorist attack
by jwleaks 28 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Predictable and pathetic, as usual.
Don't be silly. Making an issue of this is like every other shitty group taking advantage of a terrible situation to score petty points for whatever cause they are for or against.
You actually believe that the police would let them go back to place a cart there?
Or that they weren't just told to leave everything and evacuate the area by the police?
Trying to score points over this, at this time, just looks like we are willing to make crap up and take advantage of a terrible event. I hope we're better than that.
Sure, JWs might be making crap up about Jehovah doing it to provide a witness ... forgetting that no one but them and us even recognize what those carts contain. We don't have to stoop to their level and start inventing stories to try and make them look bad.
Looks photo-shopped.
It was on a major UK newspaper site, I think the photo is legit.
Hi Simon,
This is, imho, a legitimate criticism.
Sequence of events:
Explosion on the arena at 10:00PM on Monday.
500 meters away, the very next morning, JW's set up their cart. (look up how close the arena and the mall are). The closeness of time and distance make it really inappropriate. Like they were trying to take advantage of the fact... "maybe people will listen today! Let's set up close".
Sometime in the same morning, they evacuate the mall. The JW's leave the cart there because they are forced to evacuate.
Police cordon off this area. News reporter takes picture. -
And everyone else who did anything in the shopping mall that day ... were they taking advantage of the situation?
How far does the exclusion zone extend before it's OK?
We know that they often refer to world events, it's what they and apocalyptic / cultish groups do.
But I think ti's a stretch to suggest they are targeting it in the way implied - setting up after it was evacuated. They likely setup carts there all the time, maybe someone local can confirm.
When anti-terrorism police evacuate an area, you don't get to tidy things up and pack up and go - you leave everything and you go.
Pete Zahut
Seems to me that after a bombing, a carts like these, manned or unmanned, would not be welcome. Who's to say a terrorist disguised as an innocuous JW with a literature cart, wouldn't just slip into a crowed area and set off some kind of explosion.
"We completed a controlled explosion Sarge"
"Was it a suspect package?"
"Watchtower mags, we need to shred that shit"
"Good work PC, carry on"
That photo aint for real ! [But it wouldn't have surprised me ]