Fucking jar jar binks had NO reason or purpose in the plot.
Yes, he did. Big ones that I articulated already. Use your words ๐
by LoveUniHateExams 56 Replies latest social entertainment
Fucking jar jar binks had NO reason or purpose in the plot.
Yes, he did. Big ones that I articulated already. Use your words ๐
Doesn't Disney own the franchise now and Lucas as no dealings with the company or the properties anymore?
Yoda's opening scene is one of the most cringe-worthy moments in cinema I've ever seen. All that non-essential slapstick was just plain weird - may be, may be not.
However I don't think you're viewing these two - Yoda and JarJar - with any kind of perspective. Yoda clowns around for about 15 minutes, before he's actually introduced to Luke as Yoda, Jedi Master. Afterwards Yoda becomes much more like a wise old guru.
Now take JarJar. Being stupid and clumsy is his default setting. He's like that for two hours in TPM - the entire film. In AotC he's a little bit more mature (or less stupid) but we don't care by then; we're just glad to see the back of him.
Midichlorians aren't the force; the force is still very much a mystery. They're a symbiant that is a mediator with the force - yes, ok, I've heard this explanation before and I can accept it.
Still not sure though that introducing midichlorians was necessary.
As for the chosen one prophecy, that was never fully clarified, and Yoda said it may have been misread in Episode III - but don't you see ... a prophecy, misread or not - any prophecy - is unbelievably corny in a SW film.
By the way - if you were going to tinker, why not improve the Atari Like computers screens on the X-Wings and in the Falcons Gun Turrets - yeah, as Luke and Han charge up the Falcon's guns in preparation for incoming TIE fighters, a logo comes on the screens in the turrets where Han and Luke are sitting followed by a booming voice that says: "EA Sports - it's in the game!"
@John Davis: yes, it is all Disney now. It is no accident all the bad guys are white men and all the good guys arenโt guys at all. And all the women are magically able to do things that would normally come to men through effort and work. Only SJW Disney would put in a complete useless side story about saving horse-like creatures .... in a Star Wars movie!
Only old fogies here LOL ๐
Yea sorry/not sorry dog i was articulate regarding why you were wrong on yoda i wont waste winsom words the abomination that is jar jar.
@neat blue dog: So what you are saying is that if someone doesnโt agree with your level of enthusiasm for the prequels, the only explanation is they are not smart enough?
The prequels are works of genius art compared to TLJ.
Noooo, I'm not calling anybody dumb. It's tongue in cheek/playful, sorry if it was taken personal. I just really appreciate the prequels and like to play devil's advocate when given opportunity. I'd think here of all places people would appreciate an escape from groupthink. BTW I heartily agree with your opinion that the prequels are genius and TLJ is right behind ๐