Ministry school

by road to nowhere 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rocketman123

    Kingdom Halls are the WTS's indoctrination training centers.

    The WTS tries to stimulate people to become pioneers distributing the literature the WTS has published and has been doing so since the very beginning of the Watchtower Corporation in the late 1800's.

    Plain and simple

    The WTS/JWorg's top men cultivate more power, more money and more freely unpaid volunteers when people come into the organization and start participating.

    Mind you they accomplish this feat by lying, deceiving and manipulating people through their own devised agenda of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which scripturaly are really acts of apostasy and false prophesying.

  • Overrated

    As a young man I was in the Ministry School for awhile. But quit after some of the elder's sons getting or handing off their parts on me. Just did not see the point of the school if all we where doing was slinging Watchtowers and Awakes.

  • vienne

    I attend meetings with my sisters sometimes. Two of them are baptized. To be clear, while I like most Witnesses, their religion is not Biblical in key areas, and I'm not a Witness. There are NO prospects of me becoming one. But I listen to the meetings very carefully. I'm just at the start of perusing my BA in Education, following mom's footsteps, and gramma's too.

    If I were in your situation, I'd put huge effort into researching assignments, and making my presentation as polished and studied as possible. You will learn from that. You do not have to believe Watchtower publications to learn from the experience.

    I have a question though. How old are you? I ask because it's not called 'the ministry school' anymore. How you approach this may be affected by your age.

    Dealing with elders can be a challenge. Witness education level is low. Ignore their faults, no matter how difficult that is. As long as you associate you may as well suck in as much experience, thought and education as you can. If you approach their sometimes boring, ill prepared meetings with that goal, you'll be surprised what the experience will teach you.

    All the best,

    Anastasia (Annie)

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere


    Long time old man, raised. They still call it the " school" in the meetings. There is no research to do, it is provided IF you are even given a talk. i have a reading and the council is proper PRO-NOUN-SEE-ASHUN given by the man who says that and liberry. I used to enjoy the old 4 talk and could do a 10 minute impromptu. Now it is discouraged to use your head

  • vienne

    I'm a plain spoken very young woman. I'd counsel the counselor. In what way does someone who can't handle the language qualify as a teacher? Aren't elders supposed to be teachers? And why haven't the other elders counseled him? Are they 'hicks from the sticks' too?

    Do the research anyway. I do that with my assignments - university not meetings of course. Probably shouldn't stump the teacher too much, but if you find something interesting, slightly puzzling, then politely put him on the spot.

    My mom [PhD in history] would do that when elders came to call. She was never a Witness though gramma was in late life. But they'd call on her regularly. I have two uncles by marriage who are elders and a grand uncle who was a long-serving elder, though he is infirm now. They enjoyed mom's questions, but under-educated elders did not. She, as the expression goes, "cut them no slack."

  • Overrated

    Vienne- Good for you. And your mom for putting elders in their place. Goes with my family motto " We take no sh!t from no suckers!" Elders are puppet suckers.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The Ministry School and the talks are not mandatory. Regardless of what your wife might say, you could approach the School Overseer (or whatever they call him nowadays) and simply say, "The assignments are too much for me. Remove me from the school." Then don't back down.

    It won't generate an investigation. Plenty of people weren't on the school when I was the overseer.

  • BluesBrother

    Ministry School?

    They did away with that years ago 🤔

  • OnTheWayOut

    They did away with me years ago. Whatever it is that gets you "assignments," get out of it. "I just cannot do it."

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    What was the last year and month of the Theocratic Ministry School? [Note: I stopped attending meetings (other than a small number of exceptions) of the JWs more than 15 years ago.] Has the "Our Kingdom Ministry" also been discontinued (and/or replaced with something else), and if so, when?

    I've read that the congregational book studies are now called congregational Bible studies and that they are now held at the KHs instead of in people's home. Besides the name change and the location change of those studies, has the format of the studies changed, and if so, in what ways?

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