They are Still preaching against careers!

by LongHairGal 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal

    I saw on another forum a post somebody made about the Melbourne assembly. It seems the religion is STILL knocking full time jobs/careers and saving for retirement.

    You would think at this point in time - after thousands of bethelites were sent home; many thousands of rank & file JWs are at or near retirement age with No preparation - that the religion would change its tune, but No. They are still stubbornly sticking to their guns on this issue.. I’m sorry for any young JWs who listen to this.

    I’m just glad I never followed their advice and certainly would not want to be in any congregation surrounded by these desperate people!

  • JimmyYoung

    any links?

  • LongHairGal


    I don’t know how to do a link but I sent you a message!

  • Theonlyoneleft

    I’m glad you didn’t listen too.

    having a job can help us to feel our worth too..... the things people can accomplish without the W.tower.

    They don’t want us to do that, co-dependence is better, mind control is better, live for the Borg is better.

    i have a lovely nephew that only works part time, the other days/hours are all given to the organisation. Very little space to be a young person to find who he really is. Just moulded into a robotic systematic system for 22 years.

    I often wonder about his future without a plan to make him financially secure, it’s scary.

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    I am a Watchtower survivor.

  • joe134cd

    Yeah I’m glad too I never followed their advice. I got into rental property investment. I now own 3 rental property investments, with one to follow.

  • LongHairGal


    Too bad he doesn’t look around at some of the older JWs in his congregation who might be struggling. Getting old isn’t easy and living in this world certainly isn’t..This isn’t a lesson somebody wants to learn when they are old.

    I hope your nephew wakes up soon - while he’s still young.

  • LongHairGal


    Besides young JWs waking up to the reality of life and getting a move-on, there are a couple of things to think about.

    Number one: if this selloff of halls continues, needy and co-dependent types are going to have to travel to far off halls. If they don’t show up, they won’t get as$istance from the ‘friends’.

    Another thing that has to be considered:...

    What happens when brothers with businesses get too old or just plain tired and they decide to sell their business?? What happens to all these low paid JWs who work for them??..Answer: they’re out of luck or at the mercy of whoever.

    In my opinion, I think it is wise for any young JW who decides to do something about their future - to not be tempted to work for a JW or any small business. While I realize beggars can’t be choosers, they’ll be better off in the long run if they look elsewhere!

  • FedUpJW

    It seems the religion is STILL knocking full time jobs/careers and saving for retirement.

    According to WT the ONLY reason anyone gets an education over the barest minimum required to get a lifetime part time job asking, "Y'want fries wit' dat?" is so they can make A LOT OF MONEY and become rich. And the only reason someone wants money is to BE FAMOUS and have prestige in the world.

    Sorry b--tards are sure as Hell quick to beg money and free labor from those (we sinners) who have an education or some added finances for a rainy day.

  • LongHairGal


    Really, nobody with an ounce of sense believes that. Somebody with a halfway decent job pays bills. They’re not “famous” and don’t have “prestige” in the world. 🙄..This awful religion is so hung-up on status that I have to presume that is what THEY desire!

    Also, in my opinion, there is no hope for anybody who gives money and freebies to any people who don’t believe in work and who criticized them.

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