If it talks like a cult, acts like a cult, and smells like a cult......it is a cult.
We are NOT a CULT!
by UnDisfellowshipped 19 Replies latest jw friends
If Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult, I'm the virgin mary. Where is this hearing being held? I'd like to file an amicus brief against the lying bastards?
If Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult, I'm the virgin mary.
Frank, now we all know that a Mary you may be, but a virgin?!?!?!
Bwhahahaha! ((((((((())))))))) j/k - you know I love ya!
Red Witch
Definitely a CULT
Any group that does not allow one the freedom of thinking and deciding for themselves and convinces them of their inability to do so is utilizing a form of mindcontrol - therefore creating a CULT
Hey, I sat in the kh as a child and recognized that we were all being controlled by the almighty "Overseers and their Servants" (titles their own and should give everyone a hint about what goes on in their Organization!) But I was too afraid to do anything about it until many years later, why? Because I was controlled by their imposed reasoning!!
If Jehovah's Witnesses are not a cult, I'm the virgin mary.
Okay, who's been spreadin' rumours 'bout me..............
I consider them to be a cult. I remain surprised at how many ex-Witnesses I have met online who actually disagree.
They don't like the Society, see it as harmful, but don't think of it as a cult. I've met others that see it as a cult, but who think this is accidental. That is to say that the Society means well, but has become a cult unintentionally.
I remain curious to see how others here will respond to this thread.
I consider them to be a cult. I remain surprised at how many ex-Witnesses I have met online who actually disagree.
I think some people don't consider Jehovah's Witnesses to be a cult because of how much emphasis the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society places on the idea that cults follow a human leader. Since the jw don't have a leader in the Jim Jones sense of the word, many are convinced they can't be a cult. A cult doesn't need to have one person as a leader, however. It can have an idea or an organization as the leader that they must obey. It's the mind-control that makes a group a cult and not having a single, human leader.
If an immediate family member of a staunch jw speaks against the human leadership of that organization, what would be the jw's reaction? What kind of loyalty does the human leadership demand from its followers? What does the leadership ask members to give up for the sake of current human-defined doctrine?
Yes, they are a cult.
Jehovah`s Witness`s will tell you how different they are..How they stand out from everyone else..They have thier own culture..Where do you think the word cult("Culture") comes from?...OUTLAW
"We are not a cult!" Riiiight.. as if saying it makes it so.
These quotes speak for themselves. Hoist by their own petard!
Here's some further reading about how to recognize a cult: http://www.ex-cult.org/General/identifying-a-cult Especially notice the "How They Do This" section about halfway down the page. It's basically a checklist of how the WTS operates.