Please, tell me.

by andrewlya 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • andrewlya

    Hi, I am a Christian and I would like to know Jehovas Witness's belief in God and whether you believe Jesus is God. Please, any statements back up with Biblical verses,thank you and God bless, in Jesus's name.

    I am new on here, so please be patient with me :)

  • LostGeneration

    We are mostly Ex JWs here.

    JWs do not believe Jesus is God. They believe he is a creation of God (Jehovah). Not many active JWs here but if one comes along they can give you their scriptural justification.

  • cofty

    Welcome andrewlya.

    JWs would verses such as

    "the father is greater than I" John 14:28

    "the head of the christ is god" 1Cor.11:3

    Other proof texts are more easily refuted but these two are substantial.

    One other thought that I used to rely on was that bible writers refer to "the god and father of Jesus". Therefore Jesus can't be god in the same sense as the father.

  • OneEyedJoe

    What LG said. They believe Jesus is "the firstborn of all creation" and the son of God. By virtue of the fact that he's the son, he cannot be equal to god. Furthermore the JW bible renders John 1:1 as "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." Note they change this verse from what most translations use (the word was god) to "the word was a god" to imply that this is a statement of his status as a spirit being that is more powerful than a human, but not THE god. Whether this is a faithful translation or not I'll leave up to you to determine. But it is known that the JWs have modified their version of the bible to suit their doctrine, so it wouldn't surprise me if this were a case of that.

    Regardless, I wouldn't worry about comparing your religion to this cult. Without knowing your denomination, I can still pretty much guarantee you're better off where you are than in the JW cult. If you're trying to learn about JWs to help someone out of the cult, I would start somewhere other than doctrine.

  • Vanderhoven7

    Here is a pretty basic study I found on the Trinity; not sure who prepared it.

    The Bible clearly teaches, and the Doctrine of the Trinity asserts each of these 5 truths:

    1) There is only ONE God and God is one (Principle: The Oneness, and Unity of God) Deuteronomy 4:35, 6:4; Isaiah 43:10, 46:9; 1 Corinthians 8:6; 1 Timothy 2:5

    2) God the Father is fully God (Principle: The Fatherhood of God and the Deity of the Father) John 6:27; 1 Corinthians 8:6; Colossians 1:3

    3) Jesus Christ, the Son, is fully and really God, and he is also fully and really Man (Principle: the True Humanity and True Deity of Jesus Christ) John 1:1-18; John 8:58; John 20:28-29; Romans 9:5; Colossians 1:15-19; Philippians 2:5-11; Hebrews 1:3, 8-12; Titus 2:11-13; Revelation 7:15-17

    4) The Holy Spirit is a PERSON (a "He", not an "it") and he is fully and really God (Principle: The Personhood and Deity of the Holy Spirit) Genesis 1:2; Matthew 10:19-20; Matthew 12:31-32; John 4:23-24; John 14:16-17; John 15:26; Acts 3:4; 1Corinthians 12:4-6,11; 2 Corinthians 3:17

    5) There is a DISTINCTION between the Persons of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (The Father is NOT the Son, and the Son IS NOT the Spirit, and the Spirit IS NOT the Father) and yet we are not to understand THREE Gods, but only ONE God. (Principle: Distinctions between the Persons of the Godhead) John 1:1-2; John 14:16-17, 26-26; John 15:26; John 16:13-15,25-28; John 17:1-5; John 20:17-18

    Each of these truths is clearly taught in the Scriptures. While no SINGLE passage of Scripture teaches all of these truths together in one place, each of the component truths is clearly taught in Scripture. We believe ALL of what the Bible teaches us about God, not just choosing some parts to believe and ignoring other parts. We believe ALL of these truths SIMULTANEOUSLY.

  • NeverKnew

    Jehovah's Witnesses operate as witnesses of the Father, not the Son.

    They also believe that Jesus already returned in 1914.

    God only communicates with their leaders as they are the sole mouthpieces of God... unless they are on a Witness stand for a huge multi-million dollar pedophile case. Then that standard line becomes a "presumptuous" statement made by imperfect men in the Lord's perfect organization.

    Only JWs will survive Armageddon. oh... unless you're a baptized JW who broke a rule such as not to smoke and were removed by 3 guys who also attended your services.

    Despite the fact that there is nothing in the Scriptures about an Earthly resurrection, they are told repeatedly that everyone will be resurrected to Earth.

    Christmas, Easter and every other holiday are evil.

    I would recommend you visit That'll get you caught up.

  • cofty
    While no SINGLE passage of Scripture teaches all of these truths together in one place

    You would have thought that Jesus might have mentioned that at least once.

    Apparently he came to make god known but failed to mention or even hint at the trinity.

    That couldn't be because it was a post-biblical invention could it?

  • andrewlya
    How come majority of memebrs here are ex JWs? I thought this is JW forum?
  • andrewlya
    There is I joined here is that I wanted to speak to JWs and see their stance on the trinity as I have come to see God as One not as triune. I have started to beleive that God is one (the Father),Jesus is his Son, the Messiah, but not God and the Holy Spirit is God, or the force of God.
  • andrewlya
    Can someone explain to me why majority of members here are ex JWs, what's the point if this is a JW forum?

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