I was just sitting here on this beautiful Saturday afternoon thinking about how thankful I am that I left the jws. Do I wish I had woke up and left sooner, sure. But I'm definitely happy that I'm out period, and for so many reasons but I just will share a few. Me and my husband can actually be ourselves with each other without all the cult personality stuff in the mix. We started as really good friends and continue to be. But it's so cool to be free to be us, not hold back.
I'm also thankful that we left in time so that my sweet little boys - ages 4 & 2, won't have to grow up in it. They will have choices and not be forced to be clones of us or anyone else. I mean, my parents thought they were doing the right thing. But they were very extreme when it came the jws. No sports, no dances. Telling all our teachers at the beginning of the school year that we were jws so we could not stand for the flag or participate in anything remotely related to holiday activities - embarrassing! Not to mention no college (I went anyway), and various other extreme controlling measures.
But I'm mostly thankful for the peace of mind I now have. Accepting that life is not always easy and bad things happen NOT as a result of "satan's system" but because life just sucks sometimes! But it's also very beautiful too and I intend to enjoy it.
No more guilt, no more fear. It feels great😉