On JW.org this is the first paragraph on the 12 January news on Russia:
On January 16, 2017, Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia will again seek to counter the decade-long tightening of restrictions on their religious freedom. They will ask the Moscow City Court to rule that a warning against their national headquarters be rescinded as unlawful and unfounded. The warning, issued on March 2, 2016, by Deputy Prosecutor General V. Ya. Grin, threatens to liquidate the Witnesses’ national headquarters if new evidence is discovered of “extremism” that has taken place within a year.
Link: https://www.jw.org/en/news/legal/by-region/russia/decade-long-attack-religious-freedom-intensifies/
"In about 2 hours from now will starts an historic Court case at the High Court in Moscow.
The brothers have been incriminated as extremist on the base of false proves and the case has escalated to the top Court in Russia.
If the Brothers will win the case it will give some chance to get justice.
If they loose the decision will affect the 400 registered groups in different town in Russia, about 2500 Congregations, they all will be under threat of going under ban.
That would mean that the Kingdom Halls and the Branch with all the material possession could be confiscated and the work would become completely illegal.
We have been asked to pray for the Brothers who are bringing the case in front of the judges and that Jehovah may assist his people.
Today's text is very fitting and gives hope.
We thought to share this so that we can all remember the Brothers and the case in our prayers today.
Whatever will be the outcome it will have a worldwide effect so, may Jehovah's name be exalted."