Just changed my car

by snugglebunny 24 Replies latest jw friends


    I have a '93 GMC compact pickup truck (lorry?) that's paid for.....Coco

    My favorite kind of vehicle, "Paid For"

    runs great, but "nothing" works: electric windows, heater, instrument panel, etc.

    Check the fuses..

    Does having a vehicle that's low mileage -- 110,000 miles -- trump laying out the cash and buying a new vehicle?

    Image result for how about no dr evil

  • Spoletta

    I would buy one. Looks like a nice, useful car with some style to it.

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Thanks, GT:

    Everything you wrote helps and is on the mark. I thought that mileage was considered low, given the truck's age. But, I'm sure you're correct. All my jobs are within a few miles of home, my monthly mileage being some 200 miles. So the gas issue isn't too horrible. I Googled my truck and its particulars and bad gas mileage is a complaint many owners wrote about. Repairs for an old vehicle can be pricey.

    What you said is what I've already figured on -- drive it till it dies. I go nowhere to speak of, but traveling beyond the borders of my community might be nice!

  • GrreatTeacher

    Coco, that mileage might be low for the age of the car, but in absolute terms, GM cars from the 90's don't get much more than that.

    I had an Oldsmobile in the 90s that got 130,000 miles until it died spectacularly, leaving me stranded with a small child, and that was after babying the transmission with frequent flushes starting at 110,000.

    But, then, GM wanted you to buy a new car as soon as your car was paid off 5 years later. Planned obsolescence and all that.

    Until imports started lasting at least 200,000 miles and were much more dependable. Then, they had to rethink their strategy.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    THANKS, GrreatTeacher and OUTLAW:

    Your input has helped!

    Yes, planned obsolescence . . .

  • snugglebunny

    Yep, it's a Kia Soul. Mine is the Searcher variant. It's top of the range with a full leather interior and all the bells and whistles. Plus the extra large wheels and roof rails. It seems very nippy.

  • punkofnice

    Nice motor. Better than my rusting old heap of a Ford Focus. But then I buy an old banger with a long MOT. When the MOT is due I scrap it, get my £40 scrap value than buy another old banger for £150. that's the only way I can afford a car. I don't like it but....well.....waddayagonnado?!

  • compound complex
    compound complex


    Thanks for what you taught me today; also, "expiry" is new to me:

    "The MOT test (Ministry of Transport, or simply MOT) is an annual test of vehicle safety, roadworthiness aspects and exhaust emissions required in Great Britain for most vehicles over three years old used on any way defined as a road in the Road Traffic Act 1988; it does not apply only to highways (or in Scotland a relevant road) but includes other places available for public use, which are not highways."


  • Phizzy

    I am thinking of buying another car, we have two at present, we may go down to one. Not sure what, just that it will not be a diesel.

    Dirty NOXious buggers.

  • GrreatTeacher

    Oh, I get it: Soul Searcher.

    Is the Soul Crusher the one with the ugly vinyl seats?

    Is the Soul Destroyer the one with with the 7 year repayment period?

    Is the Soul O the one with only a seat for the driver?

    Is this the point where the Ambien is starting to work?

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