My experience with JWs that came to my house started me on a journey of learning the truth about "Jehovah's Organization". It didnt take long for me to stump them with Bible questions that show what JW org teaches is not Biblically accurate. I hope when I lay on them 6 pages of their history (which will later be a counter-Watchtower magazine) the light will come on when they read about pyramids and see photos. The question is do they ever wonder why they have never converted someone that really knows the Bible? That can quote scripture, that knows when then they use a verse that its out of context? Everytime they come over I leave them stumped with questions, why do they keep coming back? Is it because i came to a Wednesday service one night?
Do JWs wonder why never converted someone that knows the Bible?
by Counter-Watchtower 16 Replies latest jw experiences
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
Oh, I'm sorry - I thought you were a FORMER Witness when reading your previous post/comments. I had no idea you were not connected to the organization on a familial or emotional level. In that case, thank you for taking a critical interest in the organization!
The thing is with Jehovah's Witnesses, they have a strong illusion that they DO know their organization's history due to the material that "covers" (read: white washes) their legacy. Jehovah's Witnesses are currently studying a book entitled God's Kingdom Rules. It is carefully packaged as a walk down memory lane for the Society, but cleverly (and often brazenly, since there are not many left who were alive to verify the statements) omits and misrepresents things as they happened.
Your typical Witness will gladly tell you that they know all about Pyramidology and the whole shebang. What they know is just a version. A neatly, little packaged version where things actually make sense and don't sound so crackpot.
Many Witnesses DO believe they have successfully converted people with knowledge of the Bible with their use of the publication, What Does the Bible Really Teach? Since this book has scriptures peppered throughout it to support the Witness doctrine, many Jehovah's Witnesses experience the wondrous pleasure of "opening the eyes" of those in so-called Christendom. The kind of knowledge YOU seem to be talking about is a little more unshakable and assertive. Perhaps you are of the minority that Witnesses struggle to have success with.
Are you scholared in theology? Or an avid participant of a particular denomination? Either way, keep up with those questions you've posed to the Witnesses at your door. You should maybe make a post about what you asked them!
Excellent response Wake!
The Witnesses have something that they call a "suit of armor" for dealing with information that runs counter to their beliefs. It's also called a "closed mind." Your publication may be of some interest to some of the Witnesses on a one-time basis, and what you print may actually be planted somewhere in the back of their minds as an unresolved issue. Good luck with that. This site could serve as a resource for you do do some "peer review" before publication.
Wake Me Up Before You Jo-Ho
I aim to please, @Vanderhoven7.
The question is do they ever wonder why they have never converted someone that really knows the Bible? That can quote scripture, that knows when then they use a verse that its out of context? Everytime they come over I leave them stumped with questions, why do they keep coming back? Is it because i came to a Wednesday service one night?
That's not accurate. Not a more common occurrence, but yes, I have known of people who know the bible and even have studied theology in college, and still became JWs.
Aside from what Wake Me Up stated, there are many other things to consider. Some people can go studying and discussing the Bible ad-nauseam, but they do not see the entire picture if they don't look closer to the real reason why people join the JWs, religion in general, or any groups for that matter. Most people don't join to learn something. Some people have been JWs for decades and still to this day can't articulate some of the things that they WT teaches based on their Bible. The reasons why people join have to do with what they feel, what's in it for them, not for learning about some mysterious Bible passage that has a lot of exotic meaning.
You are being too narrow in your assertions and questions. Aside from the Bible, look for reliable research that shed light about the real reasons why people join groups. That may give you a bigger/better picture.
stillin - "The Witnesses have something that they call a 'suit of armor' for dealing with information that runs counter to their beliefs."
It looks like this:
Man the bible knowledge I obtained after leaving the cult. They really no nothing, in fact Christians no almost nothing.
Man the bible knowledge I obtained after leaving the cult. They really no nothing, in fact Christians no almost nothing.
Christians almost know nothing too, tell me about it! My JW friends said its very common for "Christians" doors they come to to not know much about the Bible but only what their pastor tells them. I couldnt agree more.
I have no Bible college degrees, but I do study my Bible. I am not a part of a denomination but a few independent of each other non-denomiminational churches. I have taught at both, young adults Bible study and a few Wednesday night services.
I love my new JW friends (the family) is why i have put together this info, to see them be free of this nonsense but that leaving Jehovah's Org doesn't mean they are leaving Jehovah.