There was a group of JW ladies handing out the publications on the street the other day. Although I have never been a JW I have had contact through my first husband's family. What I want to know is this: Are they supposed to hand these publications to children? I had my kids with me and they tried to hand their "junk" to my oldest. I yelled at the lady, saying that she should keep her cult to herself and her family and that they should not be allowed to give that crap to anyone (OK, my language was MUCH stronger than that). Are they supposed to do this? Any suggestions about what I can throw at them besides the child abuse and the blood transfusion stuff that someone who was never in the ORG would be able to easily back up? I am not christian so my knowledge of the bible is limited. Thanks all Diana
Are JW's supposed to do this???
by neverthere 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Yes, even the children are supposed to be saved. Jesus loved the children. Jehovah's Witnesses love the children, too.
Yep, they do crap like that... a suggestion that I have is, if they try to hand stuff to you, and more especially your children.. take it, and rip it to shreds right in front of them... that might make them think twice...
As far as getting angry... it doesn't work... it only gets you worked up.. but calmly, ripping their literature to bits, is going to get their attention... and if they touch your children... charge them.... plain and simple...
As far as topics in that situation... usually there is not enough time... and you don't want to expose your children to them for that long... just tell them your not interested, firmly and walk away.... kiddies in tow...
Then you can have a conversation with the kids about why you did what you did.
Hope that helps...
It never ceases to amaze the lengths the JW's will do to get their message across to unsuspecting people, especially children. I NEVER gave literature to a child, unless his/her parent was there. Actually, I don't remember ever giving literature to any kids. I never would have thought of that. Perhaps I didn't have the Borg's "spirit."
Some JWs might ask if the child has permission from the parents to select their own reading matter when no parent is home. But if a parent is present, they should talk to the parent. If they handed it to them with you standing their, they must be total idiots.
While officially the WTS says they will abide by a parent refusing JWs access to their child, the WTS will cheer on a child who would sneak out of the house to go to the Kingdom Hall.
Frannie Banannie
Next time, smile smugly, tellin' 'em "Thanks, these'll make nice birdcage liners"...then take the mags with ya an' when yall get home, use the twisted info in the mags to show yer kids exactly why their religion is false....
Frannie B
Dubs never think it's wrong to give their literature to anyone... after all, it is the word of god.
When I'd go door to door and got a kid, I would ask if his parents let him choose his own reading material. Invariably kids seem to say "yes."
They do worse than that. Some JW's go to cemetaries and hand out the crap.
Getting angry doesn't help. They just think that they have provoked Satan's anger, making Jehovah rejoice. Actually, they feel more justified in their work when they get an angry reaction. They feel that they have made you feel guilty or shameful in front of God. Tearing up stuff does the same thing.
The best way to handle them is the same as any telemarketer or door to door salesman: apathy. You don't care, you don't need it and you don't want it. End of discussion. Goodbye.
Apathy discourages more JWs in field service than any other reaction.
In the case where they may have already handed it to your child, just return it to them, and calmly say you're not interested in their religion and you don't care to have your children accosted by strangers.
Calm, cool and collected. You show your complete satisfaction in life and further chip away at their shield denying that they are miserable in the field service.
Dubs never think it's wrong to _________________________
(Fill in the blank)
They have an excuse for doing whatever the hell they want. Even pedophilia has a biblical basis.
Frank Tyrrell