The WTS' official site displays an article boasting of the financial support that it enjoys. As it customarily does, it seeks to draw a distinction between them and "the churches", and as it customarily does, it does so in a superior, belittling fashion.
Nonetheless, is it logical? After haranguing some churches for tithing it admits that it was the pattern for first-century christians. Huh? So why condemn it?
Then they claim that they have "a more effective way" of financing their efforts. They sure have! They say as much in the third's the distribution of literature!!!!!!
Voluntary Giving Today
Clearly, during the first century, followers of Christ practiced voluntary giving, not tithing. However, you may wonder if this is still an effective way to finance the preaching of the good news and to care for Christians who are in need.
Consider the following. In 1879 the editors of this magazine stated openly that they would "never beg nor petition men for support." Has that decision hindered the efforts of Jehovah's Witnesses to spread Bible truth?
Currently, the Witnesses distribute Bibles, Christian books, and other publications in 235 lands. The Watchtower, a Bible educational magazine, initially had a monthly distribution of 6,000 copies printed in one language. It has since become a semimonthly magazine with a printing of more than 24,000,000 copies available in 146 languages.
Voluntary Giving Today
Clearly, during the first century, followers of Christ practiced voluntary giving, not tithing. However, you may wonder if this is still an effective way to finance the preaching of the good news and to care for Christians who are in need.
Consider the following. In 1879 the editors of this magazine stated openly that they would "never beg nor petition men for support." Has that decision hindered the efforts of Jehovah's Witnesses to spread Bible truth?
Currently, the Witnesses distribute Bibles, Christian books, and other publications in 235 lands. The Watchtower, a Bible educational magazine, initially had a monthly distribution of 6,000 copies printed in one language. It has since become a semimonthly magazine with a printing of more than 24,000,000 copies available in 146 languages.