HERELGO- I think it's different for different folks depending on each person's situation. I haven't disassociated because I have an adult JW daughter and a grandson in the mix who I wouldn't be able to have any contact with if I DAed myself.
That being said - if you don't have ANY relatives or friends who are JW's and you no longer keep in contact with them anyway- I feel a person could disassociate. But like Blues Brother said - if the elders are leaving you alone anyway and not bothering you- it might be unwise to put yourself back on their radar after being out 6 years anyway. There's no reason to give these clowns any more power over us or there's no reason to play by their rules and definitions of contact if we don't have to. So it's a personal decision. I always had so much shit thrown on me from the elders in 44 years in the cult- I just don't want any more hassles in my life. I prefer peace of mind. Hope that gives you some things to consider. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper