Great topic,
I think y'all know how I feel on this subject. When my kids were young I had few 'rules', even considering the DarkLords. One rule was they could never use the word "bored," and the other rule was they could never think, talk or act like a victim. Both of them would tell you those two 'rules' contributed greatly to their success.
Of course we were all in some ways victims. However, we all have to take more than a bit of personal responsibility. I don't have an issue with acknowledging our victimization. For a few minutes. What I have a problem with is marinading in it. Savoring it. Making it our best friend and never, ever letting it go. A lot of people on this site seem to relish in being a perpetual victim, and some of us reinforce that.
That is a destructive trait and we all should work on replacing 'victim' with 'victor' as quickly as possible.
Are you a victim of the victim mentality?
Dealing With the Victim Mentality
The Victim Identity
The allergic reaction to personal responsibility means a difficult life.