It's funny to see the JW faith mirroring the current wave of populism.
--Education is not "all that," lumberjacks make more of a contribution to society than historians and artists, yada, yada, yada...
by Diogenesister 29 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It's funny to see the JW faith mirroring the current wave of populism.
--Education is not "all that," lumberjacks make more of a contribution to society than historians and artists, yada, yada, yada...
A world without science is a world where the few at the top that claim to be god's chosen will have us all enslaved without any knowledge. Noahide Law would thrive without any sort of science, since the official viewpoints would never get challenged. And I am not looking forward to the day when the efforts with that bible produce a total official loss of science--it becomes a crime to present any alternative viewpoint other than what they use to keep us slaves ignorant.
Just keep pushing that bible, and you will hasten the time when there will be no official science. We will all live under the darkest ages, worse than the one the cat lick church imposed. (And this time, with technology in place to enforce it, there is no hope for it to ever end.)
I couldn't get beyond the stooping down part, anyone want to elaborate on this drivel?
Amazing rant. Does Sanderson have an inferiority complex? Surely this will put some JWs off.
Yep, the ONLY reason anyone goes to college to become a doctor is too gain SELF-fulfillment. No one becomes a doctor because they want to help people! Stupid WT obese idiots!
What an idiot. Wait until he needs a triple bypass, who's he gonna call? A Gilead graduate?
Well they do call the Bible a sword. Perhaps one of those "smart" graduates can use that sword to perform the surgery?
The governing body vision of paradise is quite different to the one they give for the "other sheep". Their vision is this: having millions and millions of dim-witted followers donating all of their family wealth to them in slavish and unthinking obedience.
What is getting in the way to prevent this dream from fulfilment is EDUCATION.
Higher education, like certain antiseptics, can kill up to 99% of all known superstitions.
What a fucking idiot. I mean, wow.
I work at a college where the witnesses put their cart up for display once a week. I should forward this message to the powers that be at school. Telling them that the witnesses are going against what the purpose of the
college is
This is the most breath-taking example of complacent ignorance I can remember. At least since the last one from the same source.
One of my favourite programs is the BBC's The Life Scientific, it interviews scientists, looks at their achievements, and hears of their lives and path to making the breakthroughs they have made. However for everyone at the sharp end of these sucesses there are thousands who's work will never be directly world benefiting. Without those though we wouldn't have the other.
Professor Martha Clokie is studying hospital acquired bacterial infections and how viruses can be used to fight them. Yes you effing tit, yes you Mark Sanderson, these infections kill hundreds of thousands per year. The evolution of these bacteria is making antibiotics ineffective. If you had your way, they would have no one to understand them, far leas fight them.
Professor Elizabeth Fisher spent 13 years trying to get a human gene into mice. What a useless life? Oh! It's to help study motor neurone disease.
For anyone in the UK, this series,The Life Scientific,is refreshing. food at the proper time. I recommend it.