I knew one elder that claimed he was part of a criminal organization before becoming a JW,
he loved that crap, spying on folks or "watching the person like a hawk".
His daughter ended up as a pole dancer.
by brandnew 43 Replies latest jw friends
I knew one elder that claimed he was part of a criminal organization before becoming a JW,
he loved that crap, spying on folks or "watching the person like a hawk".
His daughter ended up as a pole dancer.
I personally know of a case where a young pioneer sister was having an "affair" with a slightly older married brother in the same congregation. Long story short, she wound up confessing to the elders but he denied everything. She was disfellowshipped on the grounds that she was guilty of either adultery or slander (lying about a fellow JW). Nothing was done to the man because there was no second witness. As far as I know, he never even lost his congregational "privileges."
This episode didn't turn out entirely negative, though. The young lady "did her penance" and was reinstated, but she later woke up and is no longer a JW. The man eventually got caught with another young lady, and this time he was disfellowshipped. I don't know if he ever got reinstated or not, but at least he was exposed as the duplicitous snake he was.