Probably a stupid question and you'll all point a bunch of scripture but I thought I would ask anyway?
Are there any scriptures that indicate believers would die at Armageddon?
by Crazyguy 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Robo Bobo
The old school interpretation of Zephaniah 2:3:
"Probably you will be concealed on the day of Jehovah’s anger."
was understood to mean that god's destructive forces at armageddon would be so great that even some faithful would die.
They've recently clarified that "probably" means one's survival depends on loyalty to the very end.
James Mixon
The question is, believers in which God. Are you a believer in the Muslim, Jewish,
Christian or JW GOD. Each of those group believe they worshipping the true GOD.
Roughly 14% of the world's population do not believe in God so they are dead meat,
but Rev. 14:19-20 states the blood came up to the horses bridles, for one thousand six
hundred furlongs after the angel thrust his sickle upon the earth.
So if you believe this, well some people who thought they were worshipping the true God will
also be dead meat, adding another 3-5 billion to be set a blazed.
So in other words it's a crap shoot if you are a believer.
Rev. 14 :19-20 just goes to prove that Jehovah is a blood thirsty God , doesn`t it .
He wasn`t satisfied with Cains sacrifice of the first grain of the harvest , no , he approved Abels blood sacrifice .killing one of his animal creations . { Isn`t their something wrong with that picture ? }
Thousands , no , I think millions of animals and birds were sacrificed as blood offerings to appease the Almighty Jehovah God in the first 4000 years till Jesus Christ.
On the one hand he makes laws protecting the safeguard of animals under the Mosaic Law , then on the other hand he has them slaughtered as a blood offering to himself .
Does his right hand know what his left hand is doing ?
When I realized that (I was still in), the first thing I thought was, "well Jeezus, what's point of busting your hump serving, then???"
Later I realized the answer was, "to constantly demonstrate your loyalty, because the moment you stop demonstrating, you'll be too tempted to be disloyal..."
Way to have confidence in the membership, there, WT leaders.
(Although, in retrospect, they may have been on to something. :smirk: )
I should of been more specific, a believer in Christ Jesus that is. Is there any scriptures in the New Testament the indicate a believer could still die ?
crazyguy - "I should of been more specific, a believer in Christ Jesus that is. Is there any scriptures in the New Testament the indicate a believer could still die?"
That would be, like, the worst sales pitch ever.
James Mixon
I know this may sound stupid but to be a believer you must believe that Jesus is the
Son of GOD, so that cancel out the Muslim and Jewish community but what was Adam?
Both were made by the hand of GOD, I know Adam screwed up but Muslims call him the
Prophet Adam the same as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.
So all believe Adam was the first man but somewhere down the line Satan stepped in and
and all hell broke loose, and the game changed.
I wonder if the Game "To tell the Truth" a TV show in the 70's based on the Bible.
Probably a stupid question and you'll all point a bunch of scripture but I thought I would ask anyway?
Considering that there are so many people making so many life changing decisions around this, I wouldn't call it a stupid question.
If you ask me, before talking about "the scriptures" supporting anything, I'd question the entire concept of the bible. The bible is the most unreliable and insanely ineffective way of communicating something that is supposed to be so important that you have to change your entire life around it.
Written thousands of years ago, when humanity had the most naive way of seeing the world, written in very limited languages and written in the form of prophecy, visions, and figurative language, and written by many people during a span of centuries (if not millenniums) doesn't look to me like "God" had too much interest in being clear about his so-called message.
Any simple tweet today is 1000% more effective than any idea conveyed in the bible. Just sayin'