Hi all. Just had a jw freak out over some magic 8 balls that I have. Next thing you know i turn my head and it was thrown into a box to get rid of it. Is it because it has the word magic in it? Is there a reason why?
Freak out over a magic 8 ball toy
by charity7 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Shame on you! Don't you know that Magic 8 Balls were designed by Satan the Devil and his Demons???
No, not cause of the word magic. Its because JWs are psychotic, brain washed, people, who are scared of anything they don't understand, or are told to be scared off, by other brain washed, simple minded humans.
If a plastic ball, with some words you shake around, that's made in china by factory workers paid $3 dollars a day, could really "possess" us, and cause us to be blinded by Satan, we are in trouble.
Literally EVERYTHING is from Satans "world", these days. EVERYTHING is touched, and made by "worldly" hands, and people that don't worship "Jah". Where do you draw the line?
Its really CHILDISH, paranoid, and ignorant behavior, when you think about it. They go around thinking inanimate plastic objects, can somehow allow demons to control you.
My 9 yr old daughter has better, and more logical sense, than an Elder in his 50's that woud preach that a magic 8 ball needs to be shunned like it has the plague virus on it.
Do they still make those?!?!
I remember being fascinated by them when I went to the toy store.....<gulp>....many decades ago,
Always made sure my parents weren't anywhere around though.
If they want to give you a hard time about an 8 ball, tell them that, unless they quit badgering you about it, you will be getting a Ouija board next.
JWs are some of the most superstitious people on earth.
chazza - Is it because it has the word magic in it?
Yes. Magic is taboo word there for a start. Consider Sparlock. I remember a jobo some many years ago saying that she didn't watch TV magicians because, '....er, it's well, magic.' she said.
A bit like that imaginary dolt in the sky methinks.
Is there a reason why?
Londo111 said it
JWs are some of the most superstitious people on earth.
By the way - were not all the Miracles performed by Jesus, Moses, and the others "Magic"?
magĀ·icnoun- 1.the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.
I have found that the Magic 8 ball has about the same success rate as praying to Jehovah for answers.