I was probably one of the biggest hypocrites I knew. I hated myself for going to people's doors and making out that I believed what I was selling when I didn't. And I was a very good liar too. I put on a good show of being 'zealous' for a long time. Spouting the BS like a good drone when I knew it was BS. My last two years' worth of field service slips were total lies. I'm soooo glad I never had a study and no one converted because of me. I'd never forgive myself if I'd sucked someone else down the rabbit hole.
What is the biggest hypocrisy you have seen as a witness?
by HereIgo 38 Replies latest jw experiences
Princess Ashe
The ones with huge houses, boats and expensive cars telling us to live a modest lifestyle
Seems like my post got deleted, and my guess is because I was too graphic, so I am going to post again in a less graphic manner. Actually, I am going to add some additional thoughts
I can attest to two big displays of hypocrisy. The first one was myself. When I was on my way out I was still preaching and attending meetings. I was out there preaching to people things I couldn't care less about. Interestingly enough, I guess since I was preaching since I was born, I was very good at making people listen, and I did spark some interest. I never followed up even though I got people interested in a revisit.
The other display of hypocrisy was this one elder that liked having sex with me. Later he was one of the elders who sat in my JC to talk about "my" (read "their") homosexuality problem. At that point I couldn't care less about anything they had to say as I was already almost out and felt that they had absolutely no authority over me and my life decisions. I played along but to me the whole thing was a show (I guess from both ends - no pun intended).
My Name is of No Consequence
Anniversaries: Yes.
Birthdays: No.
Just a couple of things recently . Co of congregation daughter not sure if baptized or not moves in with her worldly boyfriend and nothing happens to her and people even continue so associate with her etc.
my child was deathly ill and the wife and some of her friends started a fund drive to help to pay for medical treatment and travel. Most jws in hall don't donate a dime and not even one elder, 'mostly just the friends of the wife and daughter.
Heavy drinking st Bethel, GB members who wouldn't offer a greeting to me in return as I passed them in the halls, a married Elder who was having an affair with a teenager, and me, drinking excessively and smoking pot when I was appointed as a MS. I knew by then it was all false.
@hyperpen, the GB members must think they are God smh, I remember GB member Sam Herd came to dedicate my old hall when it was first built. I accidentally bumped into him and apologized, and tried to introduce myself, I was ignored.
The most hypocritical thing that I have seen MOST JW's do, is say they are loving, and part of a loving organization, while ignoring fellow human beings, and shunning others, for nonsense "offenses".
I have seen bethelite brothers, that were good speakers, and appeared to be SOOO spiritual to the rest of the congregation, get piss poor drunk every weekend.
I caught quite a few elders in lies. The old presiding overseer in my congregation, judged me personally, and said I was responsible for all the problems, and bad spirit, in the congregation, because of MY sins. Meanwhile, he was the "head" of the hall, as the presiding overseer, and he was abusing his wife, physically and mentally, and his 2 daughters emotionally.
Another hypocritical thing that occurred in my old congregation, was an older sister needed intense physical therapy for an injury, but her insurance would no longer pay for it. Well, she found out that the YMCA would provide the exact therapy she needed, and for FREE. The elders, via the org, said she could NOT benefit from the free, NECCESSARY, therapy, because it was at the YMCA, and that was a "worldly" organization. Yet, we all know that the Borg, was a member an NGO member of the United Nations.
Now that, is hypocritical!
Another blood hypocrisy.
A JW cannot be a blood donor. They do not donate blood.
But...this very minute....right now, there are JWs using products made from blood. Blood that came from donors.
The WTS approves blood fractions - where do you think these "fractions" come from? Blood donors of course. And lots of them. For example, 250 cc of albumin, (which is a WT approved blood product) requires 35-40 donors.
The WTS has made the JWs into vampires - they are 'allowed' to suck on the world's blood supply (through a straw, mind you...just fractions) but the JWs are banned from giving anything at all back. Not even one f**ing drop. They are banned and excluded from donating to the blood supply.
8 million people who cannot give blood to the world's blood supply.*
But...they can take from it.
And they do.
Every single bloodless procedure in the States will use donor blood at some point. It is inevitable. Blood fractions are a part of 'bloodless' treatment.
Right now, there are JWs scattered all over the world who are taking blood fractions - products that have been made from the world's blood donor pool. They are sucking on our blood supply. And giving nothing back.
And the blood management movement, that the HLC alliance promotes, has the nerve to claim that the reason the world needs their brand of medicine is...because there isn't enough donors.
*to add...those 8 million potential donors is a low number. There are thousands and thousands of people who have left the JWs years ago and still carry that WT blood phobia inside their heads. Untold numbers of people who are terrified of giving blood. Who could give blood. But won't.
Since leaving i met up with a girl that went to the same congregation as me, she was a pioneer in her late teens who just left quite suddenly. She stopped going to meetings and just disappeared. No one inquired after her.
When i asked her what made her leave she said "actually, when i stopped going to the meetings i still believed it was the truth. The reason i stopped going was Brother X (a married min servant in his 40s) kept sending me text messages telling me he loved me. He'd wait outside my workplace and try to talk to me after work each day and take me out. Once day he broke down in tears and told me he'd leave his wife for me and kissed me. I was so freaked out i ran and stayed home for a week. He kept texting and calling begging me not to tell his wife. And i didn't. I only told my mum. Mum said it'd be best if we didn't go anymore."
Since leaving this brother has been appointed as an elder. The girl went to Uni and is now a lawyer.