Jehovah's Witnesses ARE Christians, why do so many ex JW's deny this?

by nicolaou 114 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Its more to do with the organization's self imposed identity, they see themselves more as " true" worshipers of Jehovah god firstly, where main stream Christian based faiths see Jesus Christ as "The" god, which in their theology is wrong.

    They do use the identity though of being Christian witnesses.

  • Ding

    If I sincerely believed I was a follower of Gandhi but I believed and practiced a greatly twisted version of what Gandhi taught and stood for, would I truly be a follower of Gandhi?

  • OneGenTwoGroups

    "JWs are not true Christians" says the person celebrating Jesus' birth with pagan rites.

    That was my go to when I was a believer. Now that I'm an atheist I still feel the same about the issue.

  • snugglebunny

    How can a cult be Christian?

  • OrphanCrow

    Many years ago, a Lutheran pastor told me that Jehovah's Witnesses weren't "Christians".

    I was puzzled until she explained it to me. She said that the reason JWs weren't considered Christian is because they don't accept that Jesus was God. JWs reject the divinity of Jesus and therefore are not 'real' Christians.

    Apparently, 'real' Christians believe that Jesus was God...not just a special angel.


    JWs are not true Christians" says the person celebrating Jesus' birth with pagan rites.

    That was my go to when I was a believer. Now that I'm an atheist I still feel the same about the issue.

    Not to pick on this statement, but...Christians are not hung up on Christmas, Easter, or any other holidays that folks may not agree with.

    Christians take care of everyone, not just Christians. That is what makes a Christian a Christian.

    Hospitals, food banks, orphanges, schools, homeless and battered family shelters, old age homes, etc, etc were all started by Christians.

    If your faith {or lack of} adds nothing to these fruits for the whole of humanity, then you, as a defensive mechanism may want to think

    Ya, ..that's what the false pagans do..

  • Half banana
    Half banana

    'Religious' or theist ex-Jws might conclude that JWs are not Christian because if they were to admit that to be true, then why would they be leaving?

    Surely it is those who have seen through the scam of religious belief who can more accurately and dispassionately classify Watchtower beliefs in a Christian context.

  • Wayward

    Can a group call itself 'Christian' when it sets a group of men, the Governing Body, in the place of Christ? This Governing Body has set itself up as mediators between their fellow believers and God, an idea that has no basis in the Bible. Jesus' own words, "No one comes to the Father except through ME." No mention that men could ever be go-betweens with God, cutting Christ out altogether.

    Of course, I'm an atheist so it really doesn't matter much to me. Call yourself Christian or whatever you want.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    We all accept the human right of people to self-identify, right?

    If JWs aren't Christian, Caitlyn Jenner isn't a woman.

    @Ding - your comment comes very close to committing the 'No True Scotsman Fallacy'.

  • Giordano

    It would help the argument if the founder of Christianity had a word or two with it's followers in the last 2,000 years.

    Heaven is mum so we get to say what's what.

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