How Do You Feel About Jehovah God?

by minimus 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I think (rather than merely feel) that Jehovah has been seriously maligned by the WT-BATS and bible writers, as well.......for example: (among many)

    After Moses was up on the mountain fritterin' away 40 days an' nights with the chisel an' hammer he'd tucked up under his robes....and discovered the Isrealites had been creating an idol for worship and havin' an orgy, First Moses says he talked Jehovah God OUT OF being angry and killing a whole bunch of 'em....THEN MOSES HIMSELF went down there GOT MAD, lied about Jehovah God being angry and ordering a whole slew of 'em to be killed ......and MOSES HIMSELF ordered a whole slew of 'em to be killed. Exodus 32: 11-14, 19, 27, 28)

    Frannie B (swingin' the two-wedgied words class)

  • Mecurious?

    If I could get him to return my phone calls I would feel great.


  • Joker10

    I *feel* his name is stupid


  • micheal

    I did everything I could to make him happy and he just ignored me. I gave up everything in my life for him and he punished me over and over again. I gave him my hours, days, months and years all for him and he always made me feel guilty.

    I don't really like those type of people.

  • iiz2cool

    I think Jehovah and Jehovah's Witnesses serve a very useful purpose. They bring together millions of people worldwide in religious unity. In any such group there are individuals who have outstanding abilities, insights, and are usually damned good looking. These, like cream, rise above the rest, and leave behind the robotic world of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    They come here. Where else can you find such awesome people?


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    I did everything I could to make him happy and he just ignored me. I gave up everything in my life for him and he punished me over and over again. I gave him my hours, days, months and years all for him and he always made me feel guilty.

    well said, micheal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! exactly my feeling too,

    I also think he died a long time ago, and someone forgot to tell the JW's !!!!!!!!

  • Huxley

    He seems self absorbed, and constantly craving the reassurance of human worship. At the same time he is the ultimate deadbeat dad, leaving his human children to suffer until he's good and ready to step in and end suffering.

    He hated it when David took a census of the people, and to show his kids how much this displeased him he killed 70,000 of his chosen people. (2 Sam 24:15) Then to add to the weirdness of his character, he quickly feels regret over the calamity. I guess this is the godly equivilant to punching a wall.

    Based on this one instance I would say he was a real jerk. If he was real.


  • JH

    He doesn't talk much...

  • minimus

    Yeah, JH, but he sees what you're doing.

  • berylblue

    I never read the OT if I could help it, because it was painful. All that killing....if I did the same, what would this very god who killed so many do to me?

    I don't want to be disrespectful, but the OT is just one horror story after another.

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