President Trump is not "morbidly" obese
That's the medical classification for his size/weight. Many people fit that category.
by eyeuse2badub 25 Replies latest social humour
President Trump is not "morbidly" obese
That's the medical classification for his size/weight. Many people fit that category.
Not morbidly obese, just morbid!
just saying!
Facts to keep in mind , people are still nervous about the Covid virus.
There appears to be some manipulation of the attending tickets.
Who walked across the street just for a photo op holding up a Bible?
Yes that was pretty much a fail on Trump's part, he even got condemned by the clergy for doing that.
Thats politics for you , you win some, you lose some .
This was ingenious for students to use technology in a political manner.
Yes that was pretty much a fail on Trump's part, he even got condemned by the clergy for doing that.
Finkelstein ...
Yes, seeing the Holy Trump holding the Bible in front of the church, gave me flashbacks to a Bill Clinton holding up a Bible and saying "I did not have sex with that woman, Miss Lewinski."