Tiki. You take the damn shot and have a little respect for someone who might not agree with you. And for the record , I’m talking specifically flu shots not rabies or measles. Duhhh
Flu Vaccine Now REQUIRED For All Students Going To School In Massachusetts
by minimus 42 Replies latest jw friends
I don't agree with it. A parent should have enough facts to assess the benefits and the side effects to be able to decide for themselves.
The biggest reason I am against it is that it doesn't allow the body to strengthen its own immune system.
I wonder if we will eventually end up with a similar problem that we have with antibiotics where some strains of superbugs cannot be treated. So now they are only given if it is absolutely necessary.
In 2010, the flu vaccine given to children under five had to be stopped due to the adverse effects it had. Other than there being a new strain in that years vaccine to protect against H1N1 no cause was found. If I am reading the data correctly, around 10% of children injected were having convulsions and almost all were reporting fevers.
Our Australian Government has been pushing for specific childhood vaccines to become compulsory. Parents can no longer use reasons based on religion or other conscientious objections.
We no longer need to attend a Doctors rooms to get the flu vaccine. It's possible to get it from the local chemist/pharmacy for a small fee of around $15.
Yes, I think the vaccine should be required for all students and staff before in person school should resume.
I'm not teaching this school year because of the epidemic. I won't go back until a vaccine is available and required.
Why am i not surprised that rub shows up on this thread with a completely contradictory view to his position on mask wearing for covid. Hilarious hypocrisy or too dull to see it... you decide.
Rub is reb
tiki said,
“I remember polio...I had childhood friends who contracted the disease prior to the vaccine.. I saw the broken body ...the results of the disease. We stood in line in the school gym and got the polio vaccine. We were protected from the horrid ravages of the disease.”
you have been grossly misled about the nature of polio. Starting about 1945 DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), a nervous system toxin, began being widely used everywhere. Housewives sprayed it in the house, sprinkled it on sandwiches. On our dairy farm we sprayed it on the cows as they stood in the milking parlor. Children at the local swimming pool were fogged by a ddt truck. What happens when both the animal and human population is repeatedly doused with a nervous system toxin? You guessed it. Polio.
There were scientists with integrity who were sounding the warning about these practices. For example: “In 1945, against the advice of investigators who had studied the pharmacology of the compound and found it dangerous for all forms of life, DDT (chlorophenoethane, dichlorodiphenyl-trichloroethane) was released in the United States and other countries for general use by the public as an insecticide. “
Nevertheless, and as usual, interests of the chemical and medical industries shut down any dissent over the use of DDT.
Read the story in depth at the following link.
I don't have any kids in Florida schools but I just looked at the list of shots / vaccines required and was shocked. This is on the Florida schools website:
· - Four or five doses of DTaP
· - Four or five doses of IPV
· - Two doses of MMR
· - Three doses of Hep B
· - One Tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap)
· - Two doses of Varicella (kindergarten effective with 2008–2009 school year, then an additional grade is added each year thereafter). Varicella vaccine is not required if there is a history of varicella disease documented by the health care provider.
Wow, maybe the flu shot is not such a big deal then. I have no idea what most of that stuff is. I was shocked that kids have to go through such things just to enter Florida schools.
Frankly, this is no different than schools requiring all Measles, Mumps, and Rubella shots before school. Just one more thing. Get over it. Anti-Vaxers? Go live in your own communities and don't bitch when there are outbreaks.
Wing taking a flu shot is not the same as rubella. Save that speech for a different subject
The biggest reason I am against it is that it doesn't allow the body to strengthen its own immune system.
How so? It's an active immunization.