What Do You Think About Organized Sit Ins That Are Disruptive?

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • punkofnice

    Minny - College kids seem to be aggrieved by everything

    Some of the kids these days are perpetually offended by everything. They actually think that their feelings are important. Facts don't care about feelings.

    As for these kids that skip school to protest about the climate.....well, let's see if they'd be willing to go out at 5.30am on a mid winter Saturday. Walk 10 miles, so as to not leave a carbon footprint, not take phones or tablets, nor any tech. No plastic containers for food or drink. Let's see how many would turn up for the cause.

    Here's a picture of them all.............

    Image result for empty city

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Bring out the water cannons, I say ... hose these b*****ds down! XD

  • minimus

    Punk, they are hypocrites! Love, what the heck is happening to our civilization? This is the future??

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @Min - well, people have the right to peaceful protest.

    Are people from Extinction Rebellion who sit in the road and glue themselves to lamp posts 'peacefully protesting'?

    Well, they're seriously pushing the boundaries as they disrupt everyone else's lives.

    Peaceful protest shouldn't disrupt ordinary citizens and commuters as they go about their daily lives.

  • minimus

    I’m with you. Disruption is the goal. A few weeks ago I waited in traffic for two stop lights which normally would’ve been approximately a minute and a half to go through. It took 20 minutes because of climate change activists.

  • redvip2000
    Instinctively I am inclined to agree with you, it feels very wrong to disrupt people's lives but rationally I know without the use of those methods I wouldn't be allowed to vote in the election tomorrow.

    Right, and I think that's the point. The entire exercise is meant to draw attention. A group of protesters blocks a highway, and suddenly the eyes of the world are on them. Police is called, citizens are disrupted and yelling at them, the media's heads over with cameras. It's a theater designed to draw attention and put eyeballs on any movement.

    However, there is no need to do it in that manner. You can look at the protesters in Madrid last week, which was organized and prepared for, and created lots of traction with minimal unplanned disruption.

  • redvip2000
    what the heck is happening to our civilization? This is the future??

    Yes that IS the future. The future is not investing in fossil fuels and pretend coal jobs are making a comeback, or making idiotic statements that combine the words "clean" with "coal".

    The "kids" that are protesting, are moving the needle in the right direction. This is not about expecting them to walk, stop using plastics altogether or throwing their phones away -- it's not how it should work.

    I'm also against the amounts of plastics we currently produce and discard, but that doesn't mean that they key is for me to self-impose a blockade on using all plastics. They key is to have a government that recognizes the problem, creates enough incentives where the market begins researching and developing other alternatives such as bio degradable plastics.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    glueing themselves to lamposts --? sounds like fun

    just leave them there--to freeze.

  • NoAbuse

    Minibrain said : "College kids seem to be aggrieved by everything"

    ..More generalizations about college from the poster who's never been within sight of one.

  • minimus

    NoAbuse. Fitting name for an abuser in denial.

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