Big Interview coming tips?
by ScoobySnax 23 Replies latest jw friends
Just what I tell everyone; bathe.
Stay calm and be yourself, and, yes, take a shower.......
I read somewhere that employers are very impressed by large gun collections with large amounts of ammunition. Maybe you can "embellish" your story and tell him about all of the really neat guns you have... maybe even throw in that you managed to steal some live grenades from a military transport truck that had broken down on the side of the road.
Oh, and make sure to ask him if he would like for you to bring anything up to work for him to see.Good luck!
ooops I meant to say this......
My boss since I've been a student nurse, is retiring in October after 35 years service to the NHS ( Britains National Health Service)She is gonna be utterly irreplaceable. Since my last 9 years of qualifying as a registered nurse I've worked my way up the ranks to what I am now, Charge Nurse and just recently Acting Ward Manager, her vacancy will create a permanent post as Ward Manager to a busy 25 bedded acute surgical ward and I'm expected to apply for the post.......
Today I spoke to our "lead nurse" manager for surgery and she told me that the interviews for the post will be in mid-september. A 25 minute powerpoint presentation is expected of a topic of their choice, plus facing a panel of 5. (A Consultant Surgeon, the Director of Nursing, the Nurse General Manager, Head of Human Resources, and a Modern Matron) As acting in the post for the past 6 months everyone is reassuring me of the fact that I've been doing the job already, so I've nothing to worry about. I wish it was that simple. I reckon its gonna be a nightmare. Why do management make you jump through hoops??
How the hell am I gonna keep my cool infront of these 5 scary figures? Is the stress worth all this worry?
Smile. .that is key!
... and show them your shiny new .45 revolver!
Elsewhere......I like your style. But if I walk in there with my "tool" hanging out my trouser pocket, I reckon its not gonna go my way., on the other hand......
How the hell am I gonna keep my cool infront of these 5 scary figures?
Panel interviews can be intimidating. Keep in mind that they are just people.
You have been doing the job for 6 months and know it inside and out. You are the best candidate for this job. Know it. Live it. Don't discuss it with anyone who will discourage you and/or create a lot of drama around the interview.
Sit down and decide what preparation is NEEDED. Before the interview (abt one week, or whenever you feel is right), do the preparation. Rehearse the presentation if need be. Put it away, review at the last minute (night before). Do not worry constantly for the next month. All this will do is stress you out.
Be prepared to tell them that YOU are the best person for this job because (add your list of personal attributes, accomplishments and/or qualifications here).
You could also do a trial run with a couple of friends and have them be really intimidating, putting you on the spot and giving you scenarios under which you will have to problem-solve. This is invariably what happens in these interviews. They are really interested in how you handle the pressure.
Above all, take a deep breath and walk in there feeling confident because you KNOW you are the best. Your positive intent will communicate to them in many non-verbal ways.
(I would wish you luck but I know you don't need it )
the interview queen aka tal
(she may not always get her man, but she always gets the job)
ps. If for any reason this does not work, it's all about POLITICS.