YOU cannot open HER eyes. She has to come to see TTATT on her own. Anything you say "against" WTS is seen as an attack and she will "shut down". You can pose "sincere" questions about things that are "stumbling" you.
What helped awaken my wife was that I asked for her help in resolving my questions. We had a very bad business deal (including bank fraud) with a high profile elder that cost us a considerable amount of money. There was an "investigation" about it. He skated. No repayment. Not even removed as Elder. He lied his way out of it. Why couldn't the Holy Spirit see the Truth of the matter? It was just like the Elder that we heard had been having an affair for 8 years when appointed. How did he lie and fool the Holy Spirit?
Then I learned of the misquotes and false statements in WT publications such as the "Creator Book" and "Trinity Brochure". Why does WTS have to print lies and fraudulent quotes to defend JW doctrine? Someone high up in WTLand had to know they were printing bullshit.
Then finally there was the Overlappy Generation thing that hit at the same time. WTF? Why did the Holy Spirit get that wrong for 100 years?
Thus we see (1) the Holy Spirit -- GOD's Holy Spirit can be FOOLED.......
Or, (2) well.............we know that #1 isn't true! (At least that's what we firmly believed at that time.) So, what is the other possibility? (STFU and allow her come to the only other obvious conclusion.)
We were (are) both old enough to have been teens through the whole 1975 fiasco. The Overlapping Generation thing was just a "deja vu moment" for us.
We also came close to having an issue with the blood doctrine with one of our children at their birth. We stood firm "for the Troof" and fortunately nothing bad happened. But how can any reasonable person explain this "fractions" stuff? This is BIBLICAL or SCRIPTURAL reasoning? (hahahahahahahaha)
Go slow. Baby steps.
And as mentioned above, be the kindest, most loving hubby that you can be!
Good luck,