Some curse. Crawl on your belly all your lives, serpents! They already do! But Satan had free access to God's throne for thousands of years yet. So he wasn't "crawling" at all. I must be confused.
The serpent in the Garden can’t be secretly Satan
by Doug Mason 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Snakes had legs before the fall, according to early Watchtower pictures of Satan in the garden in Eden. Forget which book, or books it’s in.
See this detail from an illustration in the 1943 book "The Truth Shall Set You Free"
see this page
Thanks Blondie, that’s the one. Also back in the days when breasts were depicted in WT publications. I wonder when they stopped. No belly button on Eve either. More recent WT illustrations cover up the whole area.
Crazyguy2a day agoIn the original stories from Mesopotamia Enki was the god of wisdom and cunning he was also the god of the earth and water. He was also described as being a serpent. Some scholars and archeologists believe he was the serpent in the garden of eden story. Other believe he may have been the god testing Adam and another lesser god also described as a serpent is who talked to Eve.
In stories about Enki he did have a garden and he also had a man named Adamu which was the care taker of the garden.Do you have any sources for Enki being the serpent in the garden of Eden? Enki is a water god, I don't see how there can be a snake connection. Not having a go, just genuinely curious!
Thanks Blondie for your research into the 'deep knowledge' that is contained in the writings of the watchtower. So my question is, "After jehober removed the legs from snakes, did he also remove the vocal chords?" Holy shit, can't walk or talk!
just saying!
The whole Eden story was a deliberate reuse of imagery and symbols popular in the region. Eve's name itself is a cognate of the word 'snake' and the name of the goddess of life and wisdom. The goddess was depicted as a snake and or tree of life. Snakes were felt a fitting symbol of immortality as they shed skin and appear to be be reborn.The whole motif of lost immortality was a common theme in the cults of the Mesopotamian world. So in short the author was taking existing and popular imagery and turning it on its head by casting the woman and snake in negative roles. The story also served as a folk origin legend for why snakes have no legs and why they are hated by people. leolaia again did a bang-up job bringing much of this material together:
Not surprising is that centuries later various cultic interpretations arose. The myth on its face seemed too folksy and primitive, so naturally esoteric knowledge was presumed to be hidden within.
Nice summary, peaceful pete. No wonder the WTS does not want its members to do outside research.