This need is shown by the report by parents
of a six-year-old boy who had just entered kindergarten. “During the first
week in kindergarten, our son was sexually accosted by another boy in the 15
minutes he rides the school bus. This went on for several days. It was not
merely child’s play or playing doctor but was abnormal, explicit behavior.
of the children in our son’s class attend R-rated
movies with their parents. Perhaps the parents consider it safer to take them
than leave them in the questionable care of a baby-sitter. Some of the
children watch R- and X-rated movies either through the cable or on movies
their parents keep at home.
(The rest of this article ties in sexual abuse by minors on
other minors to be caused by seeing R-rated movies…caution advised)
‘MOVIES don’t really influence me,’ claims one teenager
named Karen, ‘because I go to movies to get shocked and scared, just to be
entertained.’ Many youths make a similar claim of being immune to the influence
of films. Young Georgia, however, disagrees. Having seen a number of R-rated movies, she says: “You never forget those scenes
. . . The more you think about them, the more you find yourself
wanting to do what you’ve seen.”* *In the United States, no one under 17 is
supposed to be admitted (unless accompanied by a parent or a guardian) to any
film rated R, or restricted, by the Motion Picture Association of America. Such
films generally contain graphic violence, foul language, or graphic sex and
nudity. All too often, though, the restrictions are not enforced, and youths
are allowed admittance.
“Many of the children in our son’s class
attend R-rated
movies with their parents. Perhaps the parents consider it safer to take them
than leave them in the questionable care of a baby-sitter. Some of the
children watch R- and X-rated movies either through the cable or on movies
their parents keep at home.
(The rest of this article ties in sexual abuse by minors on
other minors to be caused by seeing R-rated movies…caution advised)
though an individual feels it is a ‘personal matter of conscience,’ if it
damages others it can lead to his receiving Jehovah’s adverse judgment. This
shows how deceptive it can be to think ‘if it is up to my conscience, it is all
13 Consider
the experience of a couple who were having a Bible study, attending meetings
and approaching baptism. An elder in
the congregation told the man of his having enjoyed a certain motion picture.
The man replied, ‘What! Do you go to see R-rated movies?’* The elder tried to
excuse his actions, saying that certain of these films (considered questionable
even by the world) have value if the objectionable aspects are ignored. But
it appears that the man was affected. After that he progressed more slowly than
his wife. Had the elder reflected on texts such as Colossians
3:2-8, Ephesians 5:3-5
and Matthew 7:12,
they might have affected his conscience and his conduct.—1 Corinthians
9:22, 25-27.