Anbody know...

by careful 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • careful

    ...what David Ianelli is doing these days? He was in the Writing Department and known as one of the more liberal brothers there. He gave loving, heartfelt talks. Is he now at Warwick? Did he get the axe when the cuts came? Any info would be appreciated.

  • Ray Frankz
    Ray Frankz

    Never heard this name. Where can I found info about him?

  • careful
  • SadElder

    David was a nice guy when we knew him. But a company man all the way. Was a pet of Karl Klein. Haven't spoken to him in years now.

  • fulano
  • careful

    Thanks, fulano. Yes, it's difficult to decipher the reporter's words, "David Iannelli, a religious leader who is one of the district's overseers." Definitely sounds like a non-JW only marginally familiar with JW life speaking. I remember that plane crash when it happened but did not know any Witnesses were on board.

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    David Ianelli, on you tube delivering a talk, described as "a watchtower writer", dated September 19, 2016:

  • fulano

    Such a shame such a nice person stuck in this. I guess he doesnt even like the introduction as being a writer, he is not like Beveridge (we were in the same congregation, I have to admit a great Watchtower study conductor!) , a real show off with his bow-tie or appearing at morning worship without a tie at all.

    By the way, the fact that he is introduced as a writer might be the mistake of the person who put the video on YouTube . But then again I have no idea where he is up to. I had a Dutch friend who was on the WD but as I am an oppostate.....:)

  • careful

    Thanks, Room 215, for the link. I did another search and found several other talks by him. This one must be before the revised NWT came out in 2013 since he uses the old one. It may be a special talk as well because it's a full hour long and contains much independent research, a real no-no for plebeian speakers. I can imagine too that his words must have made any hardliners in the cong squirm! Yes, fulano, Eric Beveridge he is not. Perhaps I am wrong, but it seemed to me that Bev would have fit in better over in the Service Dept., eh?

    I hope David is doing well. It's so refreshing to find people like him. It's hard to date these talks since the date of uploading them at YouTube may be long after they were given.

  • fulano

    Careful, why would you think Beveridge would have fit better in SD? I think a year in the laundry would do him good :) he wouldnt need a tie there Anyway.

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