Jeehoober says we can clap for reinstated ones!!

by DATA-DOG 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • scratchme1010

    That doesn't seem reasonable to me.

    Hmmm... they claim that they are the one and only truth, that those GB people are appointed directly by their "Jehovah", that people are going to live 1,000 years, that 144,000 idiots are going to heaven, that you are better death than living after getting a blood transfusion, that you don't need education other than the one they claim they provide, and they demand you to shun your own family members who don't believe their nonsense. Clapping for a person who for some bizarre reason decides to return to that crap doesn't seem like the biggest deal breaker to me.

    Call me crazy, but to me there are quite a few unreasonable things in that cult.


    WT has some new light on clapping!

  • minimus

    This is an example of the Pharisees/governing body micromanaging every aspect of someone's life and emotions. It just proves they are man-made rules

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    'Are we not thankful for not having an endless list of rules like the Pharisees did?'

  • Saename

    Is this a new instruction given by the Governing Body? I have not heard of it. Where was it given? (I do not attend meetings anymore, so that may be why I have not heard of this new instruction to clap for reinstated ones.)

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    It was in a questions from readers article.

  • Listener

    Does not compute.....warning, warning .....overload.

  • Virgochik

    Outlaw, his hair is too long. Are we not grateful that his loving kindness has shown the brothers not to wear their hair like that? How happified all such ones will be when they conform to the Gibbering Buddies standards of hair as revealed to them by God.

  • Simon

    Well yippee-doo, I'm going back so I can get a round of applause by a group of strangers.

  • 2+2=5
    Well yippee-doo, I'm going back so I can get a round of applause by a group of strangers.

    I was hanging out for the return of tea & biscuits after the book study until I made my return, but this applause is to hard to resist.

    I will take a bow and offer a public prayer upon receiving my gratuitous round of applause.

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