assembly day
by loneranger 12 Replies latest jw friends
One day assembly..Jan 1 2017 in central Florida....1870 in attendance...13 baptiized (0.6%)... -
cha ching
Did you see if the baptized ones were kids?
One day assembly..Jan 1 2017 in central Florida....1870 in attendance...13 baptiized
How many were JW Children?
Village Idiot
I wonder if anyone knows what the youngest known age of baptism is.
of the 13 looked like 3 were under age 16
what a horrible way to ring in the new year.
Then those poor kids , yet to go through the teenage years are going to make mistakes that will define the rest of their life .
Make a mistake and they will and be hailed before a JC ,reprimanded ,ostracised .shunned ,for simply growing up and learning by their mistakes that normal kids go through as they are growing up.
It really amounts to child abuse when they have this threat over their heads that if they stuff up they will be DF and shunned from everybody in the congregation including their friends and family.
Freedom of religion should never endorse this concept and I dont believe the founding Fathers of America ever envisioned this concept.
So what great spiritual food did you come away with?
Just as left there was a 6 year old baptized in Chicago, 2000 or 2001.