Cool, please do
More lies on re inactive faders.
by nicolaou 34 Replies latest members private
If they fail to keep a written record of preaching or, shall we say, any form of public engagement, then they are at risk of losing their charity status as that is the only proof or tangible evidence of public service..
I couldn't find a colporteur card in my archives, but I think this might be what I was thinking about:
Interesting, I’ve never seen one like it. It reminds me of a ‘testimony’ card that was used later (1930’s and 40’s)
I would think that having to track your hours to support the bORGs legal position of charity would entitle you to write off, for tax purposes, any and all expenses incurred during those hours, perhaps even the cost of coffee, using your car (past of your car payment) gas, maybe even your hourly rate as a contractor for dealing with religious nuts. Maybe?
Most def. used to judge though, pretty sure that's what happened when my hours dropped alot due to life changes and stress.. Oh yes, the shunning began without so much as a word. Or maybe it was just the rumor mill or something.. I'll never know for sure but I want even awake yet and wasn't doing anything they considered bad.